Text: Genesis 1:1-5
Memory verse:
“He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
I John 3:8 NKJV
God first demonstrated His turnaround nature through incarnation. God became man, the divine was turned to flesh, through the birth of Jesus Christ. He was born by Mary but conceived of the Holy Spirit. The Word became flesh (Matt 1:18; John 1:14).
One of the ways in which God demonstrates His turnaround power whenever He steps into any situation, is through His spoken word. According to our text, at the beginning, there was darkness, confusion and disorderliness on the earth. But as soon as God stepped in and spoke into the situation, His turnaround power brought in light that replaced darkness and orderliness that replaced confusion.
He also turned the dry and empty earth into rich and fruitful earth. The Turnaround God turned the dust of the earth into birds of the air and beasts of the field. He spoke them into existence and commanded them into establishment.
The Almighty God showed Himself on the earth and to man as the Turnaround God. Contrarily, the devil, since after the first creation, had been out to counter what God had done, by turning back what God had turned around. He did it with Adam and Eve, by turning the innocents into sinners. From then, sin entered into the world and consequently, the curse of sin (Rom 5:12). The pure and blessed earth became corrupted and cursed.
However, God’s turnaround power was manifested in Jesus, who demonstrated that there is nothing that God cannot turnaround. The cross of Jesus became the turning point for all who believe and receive Him. At the cross, Christ turned death to life and curse to blessing. At the cross, Christ paid the price for anyone who believes, to cross from death to life, darkness to light, sickness to health, poverty to riches, weakness to strength and bondage to freedom (Gal 3:13-14). The cross remains the believers turning point.
Friends, how we need to always be thankful to God for the cross! Through the cross, we have been given the power of attorney to turn our world around, to turn darkness into light, to turn bondage into freedom and sickness to health. (Mark 11:23; 16:17-18; Rom 1:16). The spoken word and the preaching of the gospel remain God’s turnaround tools in our hands and our tools of signs and wonders today. Hallelujah!
Prayer points
1. Father, thank You for giving my life a turnaround at the cross and for authorizing me as Your turnaround agent in the world.
2. Father, I receive grace to speak rightly and utterance to preach the gospel as Your turnaround agent in Jesus name.
Today’s declarations
1. I am God’s authorized agent in the world and the spoken word and the preaching of the gospel are my turnaround tools and tools of signs and wonders.
2. The cross was my turnaround point and remains the turnaround point for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng