Text: Judges 3:7-12, 28-30
Memory verse:
”So the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. They forgot the Lord their God and served the Baals and Asherahs.“
‭‭Judges‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Someone once said, “Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.” You can count on them even at the darkest times of your journey. They remain faithful in the storms of life. Solomon describes this prime quality of friendship in Proverbs 17:7
“A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity”.
The opposite of this is what you find in “fair-weather-friends”. They are unfaithful and disloyal. You can’t ever predict them. They are God-users. Such behaviour is common among politicians. As long as they have something to gain from you, they remain with you, but check out when the flow is over. What a show of ingratitude to see your friend walk out on you when you needed him most! Fair-weather friends are another category of ungrateful people.
Our text today describes the cycle of sin in Israel. These Israelites were such a bunch of ungrateful people. After a period of rest, they forsook the Lord, and that brought their defeat and oppression. Thus, Israel served the oppressors, and in the midst of their agony, they repented and cried out for help. In His mercy, God heard them and raised up a deliverer for them, who subdued the oppressors, and they were delivered. Thereafter, the land had rest for some years, but the Israelites forsook the Lord again, and the cycle continues endlessly. In their distress, they cried out for help from the Lord but forsook Him in comfort! A repeated cycle of rest, repentance, and restoration!
Fair-weather relationships can be very frustrating and hurtful, as genuine friendship is based on mutual care and support rather than merely seeking benefits. Many believers are like the Israelites. They are takers. When you seek after God in trouble but forsake Him at rest, you are a fair-weather Christian. When you forsake your sinful life because you want God’s favour but return to it after the blessing, you are an ingrate and a fair-weather person.
Friends, true friends stick together in rain or shine, and they are not takers.
Fair-weather people are ungrateful!

Prayer points
1. Father, please deliver me from the tendency to grow a fair-weather relationship with You in Jesus’ name.
2. I terminate the cycle of sin and recurring unfaithfulness in my life, in Jesus’ name.

Today’s declarations
1. I am not a fair-weather believer; I don’t run to God in trouble and forsake Him at rest.
2. I am not a God-user; I don’t follow God only for the benefits I receive but also for the relationship I share.
