Text: 2 Kings 3:1-19
Memory text:
“But now bring me a musician.” Then it happened when the musician played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him.” (II Kings 3:15)
One of the ways to create an atmosphere of God’s presence is through the Holy Spirit-inspired music. This is to say that there is demon-inspired music. Such music has a lyric that doesn’t honour God but the devil. They preach hate, envy, pride, selfishness, destruction, lust, and the likes. They also spring up from demon-dominated minds, even though the lyrics may be sandwiched with gospel words. A bad tree can not produce good fruits, for every tree bears its kind (Matt 7:18).
“But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel.”(Psa 22:3). The Spirit of God inhabits the atmosphere of godly music. Just like God loves and responds to music that glorifies Him, so does satan. In fact, the head of demons, who is Lucifer, was once the head of the heaven’s throne room choir before his fall (Ezek 28:14). So, here on earth, as a spirit being, he inspires his followers to sing songs that honour him. He saturates the atmosphere with his evil works when the music honours him.
Singing or listening to ungodly music will create an atmosphere that gives demons an opportunity to control your life. Just a few days ago, a 31-year-old music star jumped down to death from the third floor of a hotel room in Argentina. He was reported to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Contrarily, when you sing or listen to the right music or music that honours God, you create an atmosphere that brings the power of God at work in your life. Elisha knew this, and he requested the right music. According to our memory text, the hand of the Lord came upon him as the atmosphere was saturated with the presence of God. It is in this kind of atmosphere that revelation, healing, and deliverance flow. You can create this Holy Spirit-dominated atmosphere in your spirit and around you. Interestingly, this depends so much on you than on others. That’s why, in Nazareth, where Jesus couldn’t do many mighty works because of their unbelief, He still laid hands on a few and healed them (Mark 6:5-6).
Demons are not comfortable in an atmosphere of God’s presence. As David played his harp, the presence of God descended, and the distressing demon in Saul fled, and he was refreshed (1 Sam 16:23).
Friends, the songs you listen to or sing will determine the atmosphere you create in you and around you. The atmosphere of God’s presence is loaded with unimaginable possibilities.
Prayer points
1. Father, saturate my atmosphere with Your presence and let me daily experience Your wonders as I praise you with my songs, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, help me to consciously create an atmosphere of Your presence in my spirit and around me through the music I listen to and sing in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. Singing or listening to ungodly music creates an atmosphere that enables satan to control one’s life.
2. I intentionally create an atmosphere of God’s presence in my spirit and around me through the choice of my songs.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng