Authority is Given, Not Assumed

Authority is Given, Not Assumed

Text: Acts 19:11-16
Memory verse:
“And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭16‬:‭17‬

Some years ago, a young man, who called himself, the ‘prophet Daniel’ of our generation, visited the University of Ibadan zoo. Unnoticed by the guards, he climbed the wire gauze into the lion’s cage. The lion, who was lying down was strangely unmoved at his sight, probably since it was not used to feeding on humans. However, as this ‘prophet Daniel’ proceeded further to lay hold of the lion, the lion got up and strangled him to death instantly but still didn’t feed on his body. The strange prophet died for assuming an authority he didn’t have!
Our text today also tells us of the danger of assuming a divine authority that you have not been given. “We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.”‭‭(Acts‬ ‭19‬:‭13‬). These Jewish exorcists wanted to use the authority of Paul but didn’t want to submit to the Authorizer of Paul’s authority. They wanted the authority but not the Authorizer; the gift but not the Giver! They became casualties!
Friends, authority over demons doesn’t come by assuming but by being given. The Giver is Jesus Christ. He is the only One who has the authority(Matt 28:18). He delegates this authority to all who believe in Him, receive Him and confess Him as Lord (Mark 16:17; John 1:11-12; Rom 10:9). This authority is not restricted to a sect or class of religious folks but ‘those who believe’. You enter into this realm of authority through a personal decision and not by inheritance, religious practices, denominational or outlook reforms or imitation.

Prayer points
1. Father, let me never assume authority to then suffer casualties in Jesus name.
2. Father, help me to continue to submit to the Lordship of Jesus in all areas of my life in Jesus name.

Today’s declarations
1. Assuming divine authority always end with casualties!
2. I receive divine authority by receiving the Authorizer.

Father, I confess that I am a sinner; that Jesus died for me; and that God raised Him from the dead for my justification. I confess and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord.
Father, thank You for saving me and giving me the right of sonship in Jesus name
[If you have said this prayer, I say congratulations! Please send me an email so I can add you to my prayer list and also send you materials to help you grow in the faith]