Text: Exodus 3:7-9, 19-22
Memory verse:
”Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.“ ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭30‬:‭21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

It is not enough to pray, you also need to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit because God may require that you take a step of faith in order to trigger the answer He has already provided to your prayers.
God had heard the cry of the Israelites, yet He wanted them to do something in order to activate the answer. “Every Israelite woman will go to her Egyptian neighbors and to any Egyptian woman living in her house and will ask for clothing and for gold and silver jewelry. .” (Exo 3:22 GNT).
Why would God direct them to ask in the first place? Couldn’t He move them to give without asking? Yes, He could, but God can’t always be expected to work in a particular way. Why would He also tell them to ask from their enemies? Doesn’t that sound foolish? Surprisingly, when they obeyed, God did something strange. ”And the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what they requested. Thus, they plundered the Egyptians.“ ‭‭(Exo‬ ‭12‬:‭36‬). This is nothing short of a miracle!
A brother, in a foreign country, had been praying with fasting for weeks for the provision of a job. On a certain day, while he was in the city transit bus, he felt the Lord prompting him to ask for a job from the man who was sitting by his side. Yet, he felt reluctant to do so as the instruction sounded too foolish to be obeyed; he didn’t know the man nor did he know his capability. While still struggling on whether to obey or not, they got to the bus stop, and both of them alighted from the bus. And as the man walked briskly away, the Spirit repeated the instruction, so he decided to run after him. Catching up with him, he asked if he could give him a job. Stunned by the request from a stranger, the man asked why he asked that from him. The brother simply told him that God told him to do so. To his amazement, the man said to him, “You have a job already!” He gave him his phone number, got his, and asked him to call him the next day. This brother didn’t call because it still looked like a dream until the man called him two days later. Thereafter, he went there, got the job, and resumed the next day! A dream became a reality!
Friends, may you not miss the divine instructions for your breakthrough that come with your prayer and fasting, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer points
1. Father, please help me to be sensitive to Your instructions always, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, I receive grace to always obey Your seemingly foolish instructions in Jesus’ name.

Today’s declarations
1. As I pray and fast, I am also sensitive to the instructions that the Lord may give.
2. I won’t argue against or doubt divine instructions because they don’t fit into my own reasoning.
