Text: 3 John 1:9-12
Memory text:
“Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. ..”
‭‭III John‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬

One of the goals of the devil is to cause distractions, so you could miss your goal or to fail to accomplish your purpose.
Once you have determined to seek after God or has begun to seek after God, the devil comes to turn your focus away from your predetermined goal or to cause you to be divided. I have learnt that anytime I take a giant step of faith, the devil raises up dust to distract me. However, I don’t give the devil a chance and he often fails. I simply ignore him and move on. Like Winston Churchill said, “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.”
As soon as Peter stepped out of the boat to walk towards Jesus, the devil struck with boisterous wind. Peter, being afraid, turned his focus from the Lord to look at the wind and he began to sink (Matt‬ ‭14‬:‭30‬).
Likewise, the devil wants to stop you from reaching your goal. He wants to make a mess of your testimony. He wants to steal your joy. He wants to frustrate your prayer. Satan is a big liar. Don’t allow him. Don’t be ignorant of his devices. Don’t listen to his suggestions. Keep your focus on Jesus. Keep your focus on your goals.
John narrated his ordeal about how Diotrephes, one of the leaders in the church tried to distract him and the members. He went about spreading malicious words about them and attacking them with gossip before the members, in order to distract them. He tried to lure the members through the evil accusations he was making against the leaders. His goal was to sow the seed of disloyalty in the hearts of the members to the leadership. Like Absalom, he wanted to steal the hearts of the members (2 Sam 15:6). Diotrephes was crafty and an evil genius.
John warned them not to be deceived by him nor to imitate his evil deeds. Likewise, don’t let such bad example influence you. You may be influenced by staying or hanging around such, which will make you to share in his sins (1 Tim 5:22). Rather, follow the good examples in the church, like Demetrius.
Friends, beware of distractions, especially anytime you want to take a giant step of faith. While there are always bad examples in the church and around us, God proves His faithfulness by also giving us worthy examples. Don’t follow or hang around with bad people but good ones. May you not be distracted as you wait on the Lord.

Prayer points
1. I curse the spirit of Diotrephes in our midst and I refuse to share in his sins, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, make me a good example, like Demetrius, in Your church, in Jesus’ name.

Today’s declarations
1. I don’t throw stones on every dog that barks at me lest I be distracted from my path of destiny.
2. I don’t listen to or hang around malicious, rebellious and unrepentant people lest I go down like they did.
