Text: Proverbs 3:5-7
Memory text:
“Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.”
Proverbs 3:7 NKJV
Another requirement for a long and good life is to “Depart from evil and do good …” (Psa 34:14a). The devil is called the “evil one”. To depart from evil simply means to turn away from evil and evil ways and to seek what is good.
You can’t know what is good and evil through your senses but through God’s word. That was the error of Adam and Eve. To depart from evil is to turn away from whatever is adjudged wrong, sinful, and harmful according to the word of God. For example, revenge, adultery, fraud, and wrath are evil. “Obey the LORD, and you will live longer. The wicked die before their time” (Prov 10:27 GNT).
God also considers it evil when you fail to count on Him and trust Him. You depart from evil when you trust God, don’t lean on your own understanding, and you acknowledge Him in all your ways (Prov 3:5-7).
Boasting about what you will do and not including God in your plans is evil before God. You must depart from it (James 4:13-16).
To depart from evil is also to flee from all that God hates, like divorce and others (Mal 2:16; Prov 6:16-19).
Jesus warned against covetousness, which is likened to idolatry. It is placing excessive desire for material things above God. Do you deliberately break God’s word or throw away your conscience just to gain material things? Do you easily forsake church for a business deal? Depart from covetousness for it shortens life (Luke 12:15; 1 Tim 6:10).
To depart from evil is also to hate evil and anything that opposes God, including pride, arrogance, the evil way, and the perverse speech. Pride breeds evil lifestyle and perverse utterances, and it shortens life (Prov 8:13; Prov 16:18; Acts 12:22-23).
To depart from evil is not to tolerate unbelief. It led to the untimely death of a whole generation. Unbelief is when you knowingly choose to reject God’s word (Heb 3:12). It is called an evil or a wicked heart of unbelief.
Fretting and allowing the peace of your heart to be upset when evil things are done is an evil that must not be allowed. Fretting will harm you and reduce your years. Rather, trust God, do good, and meditate on His faithfulness (Psa 37:1, 3,8)
Friends, to depart from evil and to do good is to prolong one’s life, but to follow evil and do evil is to shorten it. An old European saying goes thus, “Live wickedly, die early.” Choose wisely today.
Prayer points
1. Father, I have chosen to obey You, fear You, and to depart from evil, please help me to keep my resolve, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, let my life be prolonged and with good, as I continue to hate what You hate and to trust You, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. I have a God-given privilege to prolong my life and to enjoy good days by departing from evil and doing good.
2. Every choice I make to obey God’s word and to trust Him impacts my life positively.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng