Text: 1 Kings 19:1-10
Memory text:
“The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.” Proverbs‬ ‭29‬:‭25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
Except by faith, there is no way to live without fear in the world. There are different types of fears including, the fear of success, of failure, of rejection, of disease, of the future, of life after death, even the last days extreme worldwide fear (Luke 21:26).
The effects of these fears are negative. For example, the fear of failure brings about absolute paralysis because the person stops trying as a result of the failure of the past. People who are paralyzed by fear give up any hope of moving forward, like Elijah did having been surprised by the threat of Jezebel ‭‭(I Kings‬ ‭19‬:‭4). He refused to move even after being fed and refreshed by an angel until the second time. Fear paralyzes decision-making.
Contrarily, despite the envy and the opposition of the Philistines, stopping the wells he dug, Isaac refused to stop trying. Rather than being afraid, he pressed on in faith until he wearied his enemies at Rehoboth and said, “For now the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.”” (‭‭Gen‬ ‭26‬:‭22‬).
The fear of rejection can also have a serious negative impact on a person’s social, interpersonal relationships, and everyday life, leading to isolation or loneliness and acute inaction. This is one of the enemy’s greatest tactics to prevent us from making progress, like Israel, who protested against their God-ordained deliverance out of the fear of rejection from many years of slavery in Egypt (Exo 5:21; 6:9). However, we have many who overcame rejection to fulfill destiny, like Joseph, Jephthah, David, etc.
Fear also causes its victims to always procrastinate. They maintain the hope of progress but never get around to follow through, resulting in low productivity, like a lazy man, who fears the lion he imagined is on the street (Pro 22:13).
Fear makes people live purposeless lives. Rather than pursuing their revealed purpose, they avoid the pain of making mistakes or being rejected, and so, they choose the easy option. Faith does the opposite. Having discovered her life’s purpose, Esther forged ahead to enter into the presence of the king uninvited despite the risk. “…After that, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. If I must die for doing it, I will die.” (Est 4:16 GNT).
Friends, living in faith gives you victory over negative fears. Don’t allow fear to hinder your prayer life, your health, and your life’s progress.

Prayer points
1. Father, I break away from the cycle of fear, and I destroy its binding effect on me in Jesus’ name.
2. I walk in faith, and I refuse to allow fear to frustrate my God-given purpose and to paralyze my progress in Jesus’ name.

Today’s declarations
1. I don’t allow fear to paralyze my progress, so I rise up after a fall or a failure.
2. I walk in faith, take action, and I don’t allow rejection or procrastination to steal my time, productivity, and potential.
