Text: Luke 12:47-48
Memory verse:
”My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

One set of people the scriptures repeatedly warn that will not inherit the kingdom of God are the liars or those who practice falsehood and their accomplices (Rev 21:8; 22:15; 1 Tim 1:10).
Everyone who engages in examination malpractice, directly or indirectly, either as a student, teacher, or parent, is guilty of lying, falsehood, cheating, and deception.
Examination malpractice is any illegal or unapproved behaviour that is against the examination rules and regulations and which directly or indirectly falsifies the test of one’s knowledge over a given subject or course. It ranges from copying answers from another person or discussing with others during examination; coming into the examination hall with prepared answers, copied notes or prohibited materials; collaborating with an invigilator/teacher to provide written or oral answers during the examination; sitting for an examination on behalf of another and so forth. Some students even subscribe and buy answers to questions from some result peddling websites before the examination starts, sometimes with parents’ or teachers’ support.
Examination malpractice presents an untrue assessment of the candidate to the examiner. Any believer involved in examination malpractice is using satan’s method to achieve success. Satan is an ancient liar and is called the father of all liars (John 8:44).
Examination malpractice is rebellion against God’s authority. Every examination is governed by rules and regulations, and we are commanded to be subject to governing authorities (Rom 13:1-2).
Examination malpractice is breaking established law, and sin is the breaking of the law (1 John 3:4). And “All who belong to the LORD must turn away from evil.” (2 Tim 2:19).
The effects of this evil practice may continue throughout lifetime and carried to other areas of life, molding the propensity to cheat. It also lays an evil foundation for those who practice it, haunting their future.
It’s unfortunate that many teachers, school administrators, officials of examination bodies, and even parents sometimes are involved in this menace.
Friends, examination malpractice is a sin against God’s holiness. It’s sowing an evil seed to be reaped in the future.

Prayer points
1. Father, convict all Christian parents, teachers, and adults who are encouraging examination malpractices in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, deliver our youths from the temptation of examination malpractice and from consenting to this enticement, in Jesus’ name.

Today’s declarations
1. As a child of God and of truth, I don’t engage in examination malpractice, nor do I encourage it.
2. Those who engage in examination malpractice develop propensity to cheat and are sowing evil seeds for their future.

Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng