Text: 2 Kg 6:8-15
Memory verse:
“Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was greatly troubled by this thing; and he called his servants and said to them, “Will you not show me which of us is for the king of Israel?”
II Kings 6:11 NKJV
Do you often experience disappointment at the verge of beginning a relationship or of getting married? Some unexplainable things happen and your intending partner just walked out of the plan!
Have you moved so close to getting a job or an appointment and suddenly you were turned down, only to begin again.
Have you been making several efforts to save money for a project but something unplanned shows up to gulp the savings?
Do you experience people loving you and making genuine promises to help you but never ever fulfilling their promises?
Are you always stalled whenever you make efforts to progress in life?
It’s time to stand up in faith and be violent in prayer to stop these disappointments and the shattering of your hopes.
As it happens in the physical, there are demons that have been assigned to monitor your progress and any move that you make towards a better life. One of the strategies in physical warfare is to monitor the enemy’s activities, strength, progress and plans, in order to effectively attack or counter their attacks.
After several unsuccessful attempts on Israel, the king of Syria (Aram) concluded that there was an insider monitoring his plans and sharing them with the king of Israel. “The king of Aram was furious over all these. He called his officers together and said, “Tell me, who is leaking information to the king of Israel? Who is the spy in our ranks?” (2 Kings 6:11 MSG).
Yesterday, we saw how the dragon waited for the day of delivery to kill the baby (Rev 12:4). They follow their victims through the time of pregnancy, during labour and strikes as soon as the baby is born. Friends, you need to develop a holy anger to pray against this evil violently.
Oh, Lord, arise and let Your enemies be scattered. Let every witchcraft spirit assigned to monitor my progress vanish now, like smoke before the wind in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, let the dragon positioned to cut short my joy and testimony melt away now, like wax before the fire, in Jesus name.
In Acts 16:16-18, a young girl with an evil spirit of divination was assigned to follow and monitor Paul. This, he did for many days before Paul finally discerned it. Monitoring spirits can operate through unsuspecting people, who are very close to us, including family members, colleagues at work and school, your staff and partners.
Friends, sometimes, these monitoring spirits lay claim to the right which was given to them by your ancestors or which you gave during your time of ignorance. Whichever, I like you to stand on your right to freedom through Christ (John 8:32; Isaiah 49:24-25). I decree blindness for every power monitoring your life from your family house now in Jesus name.
Prayer points
1. O Lord, let every power assigned to monitor my destiny and progress be blinded and scattered now by fire in Jesus name.
2. Let every instrument and contact being used to monitor my life catch fire now in Jesus name.
Today’s declarations
1.Through the sacrifice of Jesus, I have been redeemed from all claims of the devil to exercise control over me.
2. Through the blood of Jesus, all evil links to my life are severed.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng