Text: Isaiah 66:7-9
Memory verse:
“Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?” says the Lord. “Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?” says your God.”
(Isaiah 66:9)
Every parent looks forward with great hope to the delivery of their baby. The Expected Delivery Date becomes a guide as they travel on this journey of hope. To most women, the period is marked with joy and fears. Some of the fears come from the knowledge that, not every pregnant woman carries her pregnancy to term; not everyone is able to deliver her baby; and not everyone delivers her baby alive. In addition; not every baby survives after successful delivery; not every woman is able to carry through during the delivery process and not every woman lives to see her new baby.
However, a believer does not need to entertain any of these fears. God has a covenant with you to keep you through pregnancy, through delivery and after delivery (Exo 23:26; Isa 65:23; 1 Tim 2:15).
Now, like the delivery of babies, other things can also be delivered, such as, your joy, your breakthroughs, your hopes, your miracles and the answer to your prayers. God has ordained that humans should carry pregnancy for nine months and bring forth a baby in the ninth month. What God has ordained has remained so, even with the medical and technological advancements. Except for medical reasons, the Expected Delivery Date (EDD) is usually fixed for a day in the ninth month. Thus, the ninth month has been divinely ordained as the delivery month. This means that, God has marked out September as a month for the delivery of your long awaited testimonies. Hallelujah!
Do you have expectations? (Prov 10:28; 23:18). Before delivery can occur, there must be a seed and your expectations are your seeds. September has been divinely implanted with a womb to deliver your expectations. Just as the morning has a womb, so does the month (Psa 110:3).
Once, there are expectations, God has the power to take you from pregnancy to delivery and to cause you to bring forth those expectations.
“Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?” says the Lord. “Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?” says your God.”
(Isaiah 66:9).
Friends, if God has made you to see this ninth month, believe that He has brought you to your month of delivery. You must believe to have the performance of what God has said (Luke 1:45). Don’t allow the pains of the past to keep you from the joy that has been kept for you in this month of delivery (Isa 43:19). The birth of a new baby brings a kind of joy to the mother that swallows up all the pains of the past. I see your weeping turn to joy and your mourning turn to dancing in September. You have sown in tears, now it’s time to reap in joy. Your prayer points will be converted to praise points.
Friends, you need to see these happening. Manifestation is just a product of expectation. You have to see them in your spirit to be able to seize them in the physical. The word of the Lord to prophet Jeremiah is the same word to you now. “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.” (Jer 1:12).
I welcome you to your month of delivery. Hallelujah!
Prayer points
1. Father, I thank You for Your faithfulness in the past and for bringing me to my month of delivery.
2. Let the pregnancy of great testimonies conceived by destiny be brought forth for me in September in Jesus name.
Today’s declarations
1. I believe it and I see September as my month of delivery of good things and good news.
2. God is not only able to bring to delivery but also able to cause to bring forth, so God has brought me to September to deliver my testimonies to me.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng