Text: 1 Samuel 25:21-35
Memory text:
“Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, For anger rests in the bosom of fools.” ‭‭
Ecclesiastes 7:9 NKJV

It’s often said that anger is one letter short of danger. It means, when you remove the first letter from DANGER, it becomes ANGER, and when you add letter D to anger, it becomes DANGER. Anywhere you see anger brewing and left unabated, danger is at hand. The results can include loss of favour, broken homes and relationships, injuries, waste, destruction of lives and properties, and so forth. Wisdom counsels, “Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool.” ‭‭(Eccl‬ ‭7‬:‭9 NLT). It labels you a fool. It resides in a fool’s lap!
The anger of Simeon and Levi led to the destruction of almost the entire town of Shechem. This anger also attracted a generational curse on the duo many years later (Gen 34:25-26; 49:5-7)
The anger of David in response to the angry provocation of Nabal would have resulted in the wiping away of the entire family of Nabal. It would have also dented the future of David if not for the wise, timely, and soft words of Abigail! (‭‭I Sam‬ ‭25‬:‭33‬-‭34‬).
A few years ago, I read about a woman who lost her temper during a hot argument and then stabbed her husband to death over allegations of infidelity. She regretted her action and was convicted of murder.
In another related case, a man whose wife traveled to their home country received the news of her suspected marital unfaithfulness. Rather than discussing with her, he kept mute and allowed the anger to fester. On returning, the husband attacked his undefended wife in the night with a baseball racket and left her dead. When he saw that his wife was lifeless on the floor, he then dialed 911 and lied that she had a heart attack. However, his lie was uncovered, and he was arrested, and he regretted his action when interrogated.
Very recently, a poor commercial driver hit a rich man’s car and caused slight damage to the car. The driver immediately began to apologize, but in a fit of fury, the rich man slapped the driver, and he dropped down dead right on the spot. Thereafter, the rich man began to fidget and was eventually arrested.
Friends, fools reject wisdom and then live in regret afterward. Every anger has a level of danger embedded in it. It may not get you to such extreme cases as above but may cost you your marriage, friendship, job, health, or peace. Above all, anger will endanger your eternity. Beware!

Prayer points
1. I curse the root of uncontrolled anger in my life, and I refuse to allow it to rest on my lap in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, please, deliver me from anger and the agenda of hell to ruin my destiny through it, in Jesus’ name.

Today’s declarations
1. I am not a fool since I don’t reject wisdom, and I don’t allow anger to fester in me or settle on my lap.
2. I choose soft words instead of harsh words, patience instead of rashness, and satisfaction instead of regret.

Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng