Text: 1 Samuel 24:9-21
Memory text:
“A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.”
‭‭Prov‬erbs 15‬:‭1‬ NKJV

I once read a story about a man who had an idea for removing a tree stump from the yard of a friend. He decided to use some dynamite, and it did the trick. The explosion turned the stump into an airborne missile that traveled 163 feet downrange before crashing through a neighbour’s roof. The stump opened a 3-foot hole in the roof, split the rafters, and pushed through the ceiling of the dining room.
This is the kind of thing that happens when we misdirect our emotions.
We use explosive words and actions to try to solve problems but only make things worse. We make our point, but we leave much damage in our wake.
According to our memory text, a person can either possess a soft speech or a harsh one. The word, ‘soft’ is also translated as gentle, tenderhearted, kindly, and having or showing a thoughtful or gentle nature. Although a soft answer may be interpreted as weakness before men, the scriptures regard it as great wisdom. A wise person will respond gently or after much thought in contrast to impulsive or rash reactions. How can you describe the response of David in our text?
If you are conversant with the Middle East crisis and the Russia and Ukraine war, you will notice that one of the most frequently used words by all stakeholders is ‘escalation’. It is either that the UN or the ally nations are accusing one of the warring nations or its allies of escalating the war or the warring nations are accusing each other. This means, rather than bringing the war to an end, one nation is increasing the extent, intensity, and scope of the war. This can be likened to what harsh answer does.
Harsh words are like explosives. They go farther than we can imagine and have destructive consequences. While we are trying to express our minds in anger, we create bitter anger in the process.
When we speak harshly, respond impulsively to anger or speak without first thinking, we get anger in return, or we escalate the anger. In contrast, we calm down the nerves and douse tensions when we answer softly.
Friends, avoid the tendency of natural response to angry words and choose wisdom by thinking before you respond, mastering your emotions, and then answering softly.

Prayer points
1. Father, I receive self-control to respond wisely and softly to every angry situation in Jesus’ name.
2. I refuse to be a stooge of the devil to escalate anger and to fulfill its agenda in my life and my relationships in Jesus’ name.

Today’s declarations
1. I exhibit wisdom when I am self-controlled, and I respond softly to angry words.
2. Angry words have destructive potential, but I stop situations from escalating when I choose soft answers over harsh ones.

Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng