Text: Mark 10:46-52
Memory text:
“This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

It’s common to see children cry out to get the attention of their parents or to pressurize their parents to do their bidding. While adults may not do that, some use threats to manipulate or force others to yield to them. This is contrary to the principle of crying to God.
Crying to God in prayer is not a way to compel God to act on one’s behalf or a method that can be used to get more results than others. Rather, crying out to God is an act of desperation and powerful expression of one’s faith in God’s goodness and power to act in our favour. The cry demonstrates one’s helplessness without God, as in our text today.
In our memory text, David describes himself as being poor. Note that poverty is not only found in the pocket, as commonly believed, but also in the spirit. A person may be rich financially but poor in the spirit. In Isaiah 61:1, God directs that the gospel be preached to the poor, while in Matthew 5:3, Jesus underscores the blessedness of being poor in the spirit.
David was in a miserable condition, being driven from home and country and had seen the vanity of man’s help. He was broken and wounded in the heart. In this poor condition, he cried out in desperation for help from God, and He delivered him from all his troubles, as seen in our memory text.
A proud person won’t cry out to God, and if he cries out at all, it will be from an insincere heart, and God will resist him. Pride makes it difficult for a person to admit his limitations, hence he doesn’t seek for God’s help. While God resists the proud, yet “When He avenges blood, He remembers them; He does not forget the cry of the humble.” ‭‭(Psa‬ ‭9‬:‭12‬). God favours the cry of the humble.
Crying to God is also a cry for mercy. Mercy, and not smartness or strength, is the most critical factor that accounts for the difference between two people and between the living and the dead (Lam 3:22). None of us is qualified for God’s mercy without Christ. Paul acknowledged that Mercy saved Epaphroditus (Phil 2:25-27). When you are faced with death, like in the case of Paul for Epaphroditus, you will see your unworthiness and that you are qualified for nothing outside mercy. This will drive you to cry out from the depth of your heart to God for mercy.
Friends, may the Lord hear your cry today and deliver you from all your troubles in Jesus’ name.

Prayer points
1. Are you overwhelmed with so many troubles? Cry out to God for deliverance today.
2. Express your unworthiness outside of Christ’s qualification and earnestly cry out for God’s mercy.

Today’s declarations
1. When my heart is overwhelmed, I cry out to God, and God shows up for me.
2. God hears the cry of the humble and the cry for mercy.

Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng