Text: Matthew 27:1-10
Memory text:
“Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,” ‭‭
Matthew ‬ ‭27‬:‭3‬ NKJV

Anytime we make choices that betray Jesus, we end in sorrow. For the things we gained at His expense, be it cash or any other thing, inevitably plunges us into regrets and sorrows. Let’s see how the life of Judas expresses worldly sorrow.
Firstly, Judas confessed to the Sanhedrin but not to God. While your confession to man is important, it will show no repentance until you have confessed to God. David said, “Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight..” (Psa‬ ‭51‬:‭4‬). As often said, “Sin brings fear and confession brings freedom”, but his didn’t, as it wasn’t genuine!
Secondly, Judas threw back the money in the sanctuary when the chief priests and elders wouldn’t take it back. The money was no longer a reward but a reminder of what he had done. This is one of the marks of worldly sorrow. It plunges you into deeper troubles. Like Pilate, he vainly attempted to wash his hands of the guilt of betraying an innocent man but not his heart; his heart had already been defiled by the blood money. People with worldly sorrow always seek to atone for their sins instead of running to Christ.
Thirdly, Judas’ actions showed regret without repentance, a characteristic of worldly sorrow, unlike godly sorrow (2 Cor 7:11). Repentance is regretting and forsaking the evil that one has done, by a change of heart but regret is merely a selfish dread of the consequences of what one has done, like the fear of the shame or humiliation for one’s wrong choices.
Fourthly, Judas chose the final option of atoning for his sin by suicide. Worldly sorrow is usually self-centered. Hanging himself may have hurt Jesus more than the betrayal. Worldly sorrow chooses self-solution instead of God’s. So, rather than seeking His forgiveness, he was more concerned about himself. Rather than bringing the shame of his sins to the Saviour, he sought to pay for his own sins by suicide.
Worldly sorrow causes you to focus on how terrible a sinner you are rather than how gracious Jesus is. It makes its victim feel so bad until he falls into a state of hopelessness. But godly sorrow makes you run to the cross where sin was paid for.
Friends, you cannot out-sin God’s grace, so run to Him and choose His forgiveness. Attempting to make up for your sins and regretting them without repenting will get you into more troubles.

Prayer points
1. Father, please help me to always run to the cross when I fail You instead of choosing to make atonement for myself, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, please let my sorrow for sin always be with genuine repentance rather than regrets, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. If I sin, I won’t condemn myself but I run to the cross because I can never out-sin God’s grace.
2. I choose to focus on God and humble myself when I fail Him rather than choosing my own path and plunging into more troubles.

Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng