Text: Matthew 21:12-13
Memory text:
“And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ””
Matthew 21:13 NKJV
One of the most profound truths that our Lord Jesus revealed in the scriptures is found in our memory text.
The New Testament church was birthed through prayer, built through prayer, and sustained through prayer. Yes, the mission of the church is to preach the gospel and to make disciples of all peoples, yet these are born and maintained by prayer. Jesus feared that the modern church may forget this purpose when He said, “… When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8).
The church that is not praying has lost her sense of purpose. The church that is not praying is sleeping and slumbering. The church that is not praying is playing. The church that is not praying is politicking.
It is important that we daily remind ourselves why we exist as a church, lest we lose our purpose. When the reason for a thing is not known, abuse is unavoidable. According to our text, instead of praying, they turned the temple into a marketplace. So, rather than receiving any commendation, they were rebuked and chased out for perverting the house of God. More than it happened then, the worst is happening in the church today.
Some come to the church, not for any other thing but for business: to sell or buy. No matter how serious the prayer is, you will never see them inside the church. Even when they are inside, they are just there with divided minds, going in and out during prayer meetings. You need to see them while in business and then compare to what they do when in prayer. They act sick or dumb at prayer meetings but lively and active when out.
Some attend church services for political or social reasons. They turn sacred gatherings into social meetings. They are never excited about prayer but excited when you initiate any discussion on politics or any trending issues. They are bored of prayer but never of politics or sports. They complain of prayer meetings being too long but lose their sense of time when discussing other issues or when dining and wining. They are always armed with excuses for not attending prayer meetings but not with social gatherings.
Friends, let God use you to restore the purpose of the church. Always confront every excuse not to attend prayer meetings and to concentrate.
Prayer points
1. Please rekindle my zeal and the zeal of Your church for Your house and for prayer, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, I refuse to be an agent of perversion, to turn the church into a business center and social or political center, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. I invite God’s wrath when I change or act to change the purpose of God for His church.
2. I realize that the church is the house of prayer and not a house of business, politics , or socials.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng