Text: Job 11:7-10
Memory verse:
”“Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty?“
‭‭Job‬ ‭11‬:‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

A great mass of granite was laid on the top of a man’s grave after he died, according to his request. He had said if there ever was a resurrection, it might be certain he should never rise! Before they could place that large granite stone on the grave, a bird happened to drop an oak nut right there. An oak tree sprang up & the living power of the seed split the granite in two. The tons of granite could not stop God!
While discussing the scriptures recently with some of our pupils in class, one girl asked about how great God is. I tried to describe Him, but I just discovered that I got lost, and then I saw what Job said in our text.“Do you think you can explain the mystery of God? Do you think you can diagram God Almighty?
God is far higher than you can imagine, far deeper than you can comprehend, stretching farther than earth’s horizons, far wider than the endless ocean.” (Job 11:7-9 MSG).
Truly, no one can describe His greatness or diagram Him. He is far higher than what I have read about Him, or I can even imagine and far deeper than I can comprehend! You can’t compare Him with the span of the earth or the ocean because He stretches farther than earth’s horizon and He is far wider than the endless ocean. God is bigger than anything that can be measured!
David described His greatness as unsearchable and unfathomable. His grandeur is limitless and inexpressible! (Psa 145:3).
According to verse 10, He is so powerful that no one can stop, hinder, or say nay to Him if He arrests or calls the court to order. King Nebuchadnezzar learnt this after the Almighty God humbled him from his high horse. Thereafter, he realized that the Almighty does as He pleases and no one can question or challenge Him? (Dan 4:35).
Friends, if the Almighty God is your God, you have no reason to fear or be dismayed. Have faith in Him and He will show His greatness in your life and situations. Hallelujah!

Prayer points
1. Spend sometimes today to praise Him according to His excellent greatness.
2. Ask Him to demonstrate His greatness in your life and situations.

Today’s declarations
1. The Almighty God is for me, so I have nothing or no reason to fear.
2. My need is not a great faith but faith in a great God.
