Text: Mark 10:28-30
Memory text:
“For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.”
Galatians 6:8 NKJV
Every time spent in advancing the kingdom and its righteousness is an investment and a most profitable investment.
Worried if they were not wasting their time, Peter said to Jesus, “We’ve given up everything to follow you. What will we get?”” (Matt 19:27 NLT). Jesus allayed this common fear with the answer that the reward is not only reserved in heaven but also in this present age or in this world. “will be rewarded. In this world, they will be given 100 times as many houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and pieces of land,…” (Mark 10:30 CEV). 100 times return on investment! This is huge!
God appeared to Abram and called him out of his hometown, the Ur of the Chaldees, of his family and of idolatry (Gen 12:1; Josh 24:2). He left all to follow God even though he could not see what was ahead of him. Later in the years, his servant said about his master, “The LORD has been good to my master and has made him very rich. He has given him many sheep, goats, cattle, camels, and donkeys, as well as a lot of silver and gold, and many slaves” (Gen 24:34 CEV).
Jesus is also calling us today and saying, “Leave them and stay away! Don’t touch anything that isn’t clean. Then I will welcome you and be your Father. You will be my sons and my daughters, as surely as I am God, the All-Powerful.”” (2 Cor 6:17-18 CEV). What an amazing assurance! God is saying, dare to live right, and you will have my backing in all you do. I will surprise you if you choose to break free from the spirit of the last days. If you decide to walk out, ensure you do not stand in the middle way but walk into Him.
The church is called the ‘called out’. There are so many compromises among the ‘called out’ ones today. These are believers whose bodies have left Egypt, but their hearts still long for Egypt. They still love the cucumbers, melons, leeks, garlic, and onions of Egypt!
Friends, set goals that will deepen your walk with God this year. For example, set goals on reading through the Bible, studying and memorizing the Bible; on increasing your praying hours, praying early and having consistent quiet time with God and praying in the Spirit; on evangelism; on attending a seminar/conference; on involving in missions; on being consistent and increasing in giving and tithing; and on faithfully serving and punctuality in the church. Be wise to invest in the spirit this year.
Prayer points
1. Father, please, draw me nearer to You and help me to love You more this year, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, I receive wisdom and grace to invest in the spiritual this year, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. I am wise because I invest my time, treasures, and talents in kingdom business.
2. As I set goals to increase financially, physically, and in other areas, I also set goals to increase spiritually.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng