Text: Psalm 116:12-14
Memory verse:
“giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The well loved hymn, Now Thank We All Our God, was brought out by Rev. Martin Rinkart (1586-1649) in the crucible of a 30-year war in Germany. The war reduced his town to unimaginable wretchedness. Being a refugee town, several waves of deadly diseases and famines swept the town due to overcrowding. Many armies marched through the town, leaving death and destruction in their wake.
After peace was finally proclaimed by the Elector, order was given to hold thanksgiving services in the town’s churches. And the word sent for meditation and text was “Now bless ye the God of all, who everywhere doeth great things…. May He grant us joyful hearts and may peace be in our days forever”. It was amazing that the Elector had chosen the exact text, which had inspired Rinkart to write the wording of this hymn some twelve years previously.
As you sing the hymn, you will see in Martin a grateful heart. Could it be imagined that a man who buried over five thousand within a year, including his loved ones, will thank God and describe Him as One who has “blessed us on our ways with countless gifts of love”? Your gratitude is measured by your attitude. An attitude of gratitude sees good reasons to be thankful in the most gloomy moments. Like Paul quipped, “Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do.” ‭‭(1 Thess‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ ‭CEV)‬‬.
As we close the year, develop an attitude of gratitude. No matter what you have experienced in the course of the year, think of good reasons to be thankful to God. Do you know that, for the fact that you are able to understand your present condition is a great reason to be thankful? The man who has lost his mind and is on the street does not appreciate his state. He even feels he is normal and you are abnormal! You may not be where you had planned to be this year or what you had projected to achieve, but I can tell you that you are not where you used to be. Do you know that your situation could have been worse if not for God’s mercy? (Lam 3:22). Do you know that the things you take for granted are the testimonies or prayer points of others?
Friends, what will you render unto the Lord for all His benefits towards you? With an attitude of gratitude, you do not only thank God for what He has done but for His countless gifts of love. Hallelujah!

Praise points
1. Sing the hymn and other spiritual songs to express your gratitude.
2. Father, thank you for Your love and for all Your benefits in the year 2023.

Today’s declarations
1. Thanksgiving is a vow I must pay to God, not only in my closet but before God’s people.
2. I started this year with thanksgiving and by God’s grace, I will end it with thanksgiving.
