Text: 2 Kings 2:9-14
Memory verse:
“For even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Parental blessing is simply the blessing of your parents over you. It is a destiny verdict pronounced under unction by a parent for fulfillment in the life of a child. A parent may not just be biological but spiritual or anyone who has parental authority over you. In divine hierarchy, after God is the father or mother. It doesn’t matter if they act like Isaac or like Noah, if they bless you, you are blessed indeed. Isaac said, “… I have blessed him—and indeed he shall be blessed.” ‭‭(Gen‬ ‭27‬:‭33‬).
Let’s consider few things to do to provoke parental blessing, aside from obeying and honouring discussed in the past editions. First is that you have to make them happy. You can’t draw blessing from the parent you frequently make sad. Isaac was already rich, so he didn’t make demand for his favorite dish being hungry but because he wanted to release blessing. “And make me savory food, such as I love, and bring it to me that I may eat, that my soul may bless you before I die.” ‭‭(Gen 27‬:‭4‬). It shows the connection between the mouth and the soul. Your savory is the fruit of your labour and it could be a seed, like the Philippians gave to Paul (Phil 4:15-19).
Second is serving. Serve them by driving them, doing their laundry, cooking, delivering errands, visiting and so on. Consider the key definition in the profile of prophet Elisha. “… who poured water on the hands of Elijah”. (2 Kings 3:11).
Third is to observe them. Elijah’s condition for Elisha to have the double portion was “…if you see me” (2 Kings 2:9). You can’t attract the blessing of the person you know nothing about.
Friends, even if your biological parents are not alive, find a parent figure and line yourself under his or her authority. Parental blessing doesn’t just drop like a ripe fruit, you must consistently work to attract it.

Prayer points
1. Father, please help me to be consistent and intentional in doing things that will provoke my parents’ blessings in Jesus name.
2. Father, let me never miss the grace that comes through parental blessing in Jesus name.

Today’s declarations
1. The soul of my parents bless me when they eat of the fruit of my labour.
2. Since parental blessing doesn’t drop like a ripe cherry, so I intentionally do things to provoke it.
