Text: John 2:13-17
Memory text:
“Then His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up.””
John 2:17 NKJV
Corrie ten Boom was a very ordinary, obscure Dutch woman until the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands during World War II, when her Christian faith was suddenly put to test. She and her family could either play for safety and ignore the atrocities being carried out against their Jewish neighbours, or they could risk their lives and stand by their convictions. Through the crisis, they discovered their purpose, which was to preserve the Jews and others persecuted by the Nazis. They chose to risk their lives by hiding them underground in their home. Their home was eventually raided, and the ten Booms were arrested, but the Jews and the Dutch who were hiding underground were not found. It was a choice that finally resulted in Corrie and her family suffering the indescribable terror of a Nazi death camp. Her father died in the prison and her sisters in a concentration camp, but Corrie was about to be executed when she was released on a ‘clerical error’ that was no less than a miracle. Their passion was so strong that they risked their lives in the fulfillment of their purpose. The suffering of the ten Boom family was not in vain as their story of faith, courage, and passion has inspired millions of people across the nations.
The Bible in Basic English translation of our memory text has it as, “And it came to the minds of the disciples that the Writings say, I am on fire with passion for your house.” Our Lord was consumed with passion for His Father’s house. What you don’t have passion for will always remain in the dream world and never in reality. When we have passion, things will start happening to enable us to fulfill it.
This is what Psalm 37:4 means about God granting the desires of your heart. The word, ‘desire’ is not a casual interest in life but a deep or possessed drive for a desired end. That is, a passion for a purpose.
Your leadership is found in your purpose and your purpose produces your passion. Passion is a key attitude of leadership. It is what keeps a leader motivated and sustains his focus. Without it, the leader lacks energy to persevere and weariness sets in.
Friends, passion is the stamina of every leader. It keeps them going in spite of the odds against them until their purpose is accomplished. Have you discovered your God-given purpose for life? Are you being driven by passion for that purpose?
Prayer points
1. Father, please, let not my life purpose ever suffer the lack of passion, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, please, set me on fire of passion for Your house and Your kingdom advancement, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. Things start happening towards fulfilling my desired end when my passion is not a casual interest in life but a deep or possessed drive.
2. To become the leader that God has made me, I must discover a purpose for life that produces a passion for living.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng