Text: Job 42:10-17
Memory verse:
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars.”
‭‭(II Chro‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬)‬‬

It doesn’t matter how your beginning looked like, the end result can swallow up the pains of the beginning and of the past. The nursing mothers understand this better. This is because the joy of the new born baby overshadows their labour pain.
Unlike most others, Job suffered losses and satanic attacks not because of his sins or failures. The scriptures testify of him as “… blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil.” ‭‭(Job‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬). Even God boasted of his uprightness to satan (Job 1:8).
Job didn’t suffer losses because he sinned and so he didn’t need to repent or return to the Lord like others did to have restoration. So, what did he do that made his end so glorious, as described in our text?
Firstly, Job gave thanks and worshipped God at the news of the calamities that suddenly befell him. Four messengers came after one another to deliver the evil news (Job 1:13-19). While he mourned and in a shock, Job disappointed the devil and made God proud as he worshipped. “Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped.” ‭‭(Job‬ ‭1‬:‭20‬). It is the will of God for us to give thanks to Him ‘in’ all things and not ‘for’ all things. This was a true test of his godliness. Yes, you don’t know a true child of God until the time of crisis. Jesus said some people follow Him only for what they get from Him and once that is removed, they withdraw their loyalty (John 6:26). They follow Him because they have a good house, great spouse, booming business, speedy promotion, nice job, prosperous children, wonderful health and favour in all things. God can’t boast of them before satan and He won’t show Himself great to such, like He did to Job, who became a living proof of God’s goodness and restorative power.
Friends, your attitude during the time of trial will determine whether you genuinely love God and you are loyal to Him or not. When God shows Himself strong on your behalf, He restores all your losses and makes you His reference point.

Prayer points
1. Father, please, help me to genuinely love you and be loyal to You at all times in Jesus name.
2. Father, please, show Yourself strong on my behalf and make me a living proof of Your restorative power in Jesus name.

Today’s declarations
1. I love and serve God for who He is and not for what He gives me.
2. My attitude during the time of trial is an indicator of my loyalty to God.
