Text: Ephesians 6:1-3
Memory text:
“The eye that mocks a father and scorns obedience to a mother will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley and eaten by the vultures.” Proverbs 30:17 NKJV
Having learnt the blessing in honouring one’s parents from early years, Elias cared for his aging parents out of deep love and respect. He carried his father to the bathroom when his legs failed him and cooked his mother’s meals even when she forgot his name in her old age. The villagers often whispered, “Elias will live a long life—look at how he honours his parents.” Elias simply did what was right.
Years passed, and his parents peacefully departed. Elias, now an old man himself, was surrounded by children and grandchildren who had learned from his example. His body remained strong, his mind sharp and he lived far beyond the years of his peers, watching generations grow before him.
One day, a traveler asked, “Elias, what is the secret to your long life?”
Elias smiled and said, “The secret is no secret at all”. He added, “I honored those who gave me life, and in return, life has honored me.” Elias became a living testament to the simple truth, “A life of honor is a life prolonged.”
We are in a generation of people who have no respect for the elders. Yet, according to our text, honouring one’s parents is a very important factor of longevity. To honour is to esteem or to value.
In interpreting the scriptures, the law of first mention shows that whatever is mentioned first in a list or series of events is very important to the heart of the speaker. The commandment to honour one’s parents is the first commandment with a promise attached to it. It shows that honouring one’s parents guarantees a good and a prolonged life. Breaking this commandment could be one of the causes of untimely death today. Sage Solomon said.“Children who curse their parents will go to the land of darkness long before their time.” (Prov 20:20 CEV). The philosopher Confucius agreed with the scriptures, too, when he said, “Filial piety is the root of virtue and the foundation of a long and prosperous life.”
Friends, you can honour your parents by listening to them and speaking to them with respect; spending quality time with them and celebrating their special occasions; and with understanding and patience, supporting them in their old age. You can also honour them by upholding their godly legacy and teaching. You don’t have to be a millionaire to do these. May you not waste this opportunity to prolong your life in Jesus’ name.
Prayer points
1. Father, please, let me never waste the opportunity to prolong my life through honoring my parents, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, open my eyes to any area I might have been breaking this commandment in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. God has not commanded me to honour my parents only as long as they deserve it but simply because they are my parents.
2. I also provoke this promise by honouring the father or mother figure in my life and not necessarily my biological parents.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng