Text: Galatians 2:11-16
Memory text:
““Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.”
Matthew 10:34 NKJV
A few years ago, the world woke up to the tragic news of the death of a star artist. She had suffered years of domestic violence and abuse at the hands of her husband. She had endured the pain and kept it to herself for several years with the hope of pleasing him. She even pleaded with some of her close friends who, by chance, got to know about the abuse, not to share it with anyone, including her pastor. Unfortunately, he got worse, even with all her efforts to make peace and to keep the family harmony, until her life was eventually sacrificed for the peace!
“If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”
(Rom 12:18). Yes, we are called to love peace, make peace, and be at peace. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to have a good relationship with someone, it doesn’t always work. Notice the condition, ‘If it is possible’.
The impossibility shouldn’t be based on any inability arising from your weakness, like the inability to control your anger or to restrain your lips but that of the other person. As a son of peace, the trouble must not be traceable to the failure on your part to do all that is compatible with holiness and truth.
However, it takes wisdom to know what to do when all your efforts to make peace are rebuffed. It is not enough to gain knowledge, you need wisdom to apply the knowledge rightly. Lack of wisdom is usually very costly. Our Lord even warned His disciples when He sent them out to preach, not to force their peace on any household that rejects it (Matt 10:13).
Also, while you must always have peaceable disposition with everyone, never be at peace with sin and heresy. Never compromise biblical truth for the sake of peace. If peace means complicity with sin or error or if it encourages these in any way, then peace must be sacrificed. Otherwise, it will be a sin to make peace at that cost. We see this in our text, as Paul didn’t negotiate the truth for peace with those who insisted on circumcision in addition to faith for salvation. He confronted Peter over his hypocrisy in trying to stay on their good side. This is an error that many leaders make and teach today. Jesus warned against this, even in family relationships (Matt 10:34-39).
Friends, you need wisdom and discernment to know when to walk out peaceably in your efforts to make peace and when to stand firm in the truth you know. May you not die for lack of wisdom in Jesus’ name.
Prayer points
1. Father, please, give me wisdom and discernment to know what to do after all efforts to make peace have been made, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, let me never compromise the truth for peace in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. It is not always possible for me to be at peace with all men, but I remain a peace-lover; a peace liver, and a peace-maker among men.
2. I need wisdom to know when to walk out peaceably from an unfruitful peace move and when to stand firm in the truth I know.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng