March 5, 2023

Appreciating God Through Service

Appreciating God Through Service


5th of March, 2023



SERMON TITLE:Ā  Ā  Ā  Appreciating God Through Service

SERMON TEXT: Ā Ā Ā  Psalm 116: 12-14

PREACHER:Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Reverend Ebenezer Olawuyi



Content: Ā Can we just worship the Lord. Just worship the Lord in the spirit. Worship the Lord. Praise him in the spirit. Prayers. Our time is well spent. We have few minutes to the end of the service. You know the bible calls those who doses not praise the Lord; who does not acknowledge God in their lives as fools. He is the reason for your own life. Some things amaze me how some people when they get to celebration outside; when they are in the midst of their friends; they dance very well, but when they reach the house of God; they dance sarcastically; they are too conscious of themselves. Micah mocked David for praising the Lord saying ā€œAre you crazy? You – the king of Israel?ā€ But David said it is the Lord who anointed me to replace your father that I am praising. Fools donā€™t praise the Lord. I am a very emotional person. I shed tears a lot. I am a deep thinker when I remember the goodness of the Lord I my life from childhood. Do you know that even as a child you could have died? Do you know that you could have been aborted? Sometimes you ate rubbish when you are a baby but you didnā€™t die. Can you remember the adolescent days? Can you remember the youthful days? His mercy kept you. He is everything to me. He is far more than anything to me, He said, in all my longings in life. More than them all. More than I fancy it could be; He has been more than that to me. The more I long that others know him too. God is not a disappointment. And that has been so true to me; I donā€™t know about you. That is why David said: What can I render to the Lord? Psalm 71:7. I have become as a wonder to manyā€¦Ā  Hymn: Jesu, My Lord, I thee adoreā€¦ This hymn was written by Henry Augustine Collins for his encounter with the Lord. Look at the second stanza: Jesu, too late I thee Have soughtā€¦ For those who have known him but you are still wasting your time by not praising Him; you have not truly known him. Some of you gave your life to Christ at 8, 20, 40, 60 years old and you are still wasting your time. If you appreciate the rest of God; you will seek him all the days of your life. That is what the scripture means in Roman 12: 1 :- I plead with you to give your bodies to Godā€¦ Because of what He has done for you. Look at the testimony of now being 70 years old. You know what? He is a fool who is celebrating his birthday ā€“ who is old – and is still wicked. Because you no longer have much time again. Calm down. Somebody came out to testify for God sparing her life from accident. Just like that; some would have died. God is a purposeful God. He spared your life for the rest of your days – for a purpose – to be for Him. ā€œHe says too late; I have sought you…ā€ He said he is a wise man who give up what you cannot gain to get what you can gain. All these things you are running around for will burn; they wonā€™t last. It is what you did for the Lord that will last. The impact of a manā€™s life. The value of a manā€™s life is what he has done for the advancement of the kingdom of God on earth. What are you still running after all around? Time is going. Iā€™m not doing it because I am a Pastor or it is my Job; I have been in the ministry before I was ordained as a Pastor. Look at the next stanza: ā€œJesu, what didst thou find in me, that thou have dealt so lovingly?ā€ For the rest of your life; love Him. That I the way to show gratitude. For the rest of your life; serve Him. That is the way to show gratitude. Isaiah 38: 18-29. There is only one minute between life and death. Friends, use the remaining days of your life to love and serve God. That is the way to show gratitude. Use your time, treasure, and life to serve him for the rest of your days. Many people later wished they had more time later in their life to serve God. Show gratitude to the Lord. Serve Him more. God needs your talent. God needs your treasure. God needs your time. God needs your life. Shall we bow down our heads to pray.


Song: ā€œMy lifetime; I will give God my lifetimeā€¦ā€ Why donā€™t tell Lord that: I rededicate my life to you – The night is far spent. This is not the time to live in malice, fornication, and adultery. This is not the time to live in lasciviousness. This is not the time! Why not say to the Lord: I am going to serve you for the rest of my lifeā€¦for the rest of my days?! Solemn songs. I donā€™t want you to keep quiet. I want you to tell the Lord: Lord I surrender all to you.

I want you to make a request from the Lord. If you have actually taken the first prayer point seriously; then make the second one to the Lord. Make a request to the Lord. This is a miracle moment.


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