November 5, 2023

Eleventh Hour Miracle

Eleventh Hour Miracle


5th of November, 2023



SERMON TITLE:Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Eleventh Hour Miracle

SERMON TEXT:Ā Ā Ā Ā  I Peter 5: 10

PREACHER: Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Reverend Ebenezer Olawuyi



Content: Ā God knows how to turn the story of a man around within the twinkle of an eye. Hear this again; you could have stay in that situation for too long; but God will raise you up again. If you believe in it; let your Amen! be louder. That is why you should never look down on anybody, including your so-called house help. The Book of Daniel says ā€œHe change times and turn around seasonsā€¦ā€. God is a gamechanger. I am praying for someone under my ministration today; God will change your situation around! Amen! Donā€™t ever look down on anybody. Nothing lasts forever. That situation wonā€™t last forever. My God will settle you in Jesus name. Luke 5: 1-7. I speak to somebody here today; Your latter shall be greater than your beginning. God will visit you so much that your latter experience and blessings will be greater than the former. God says: It is not close until it is close. For you to enjoy the Godā€™s miracles; there are things you need to do: (i) Donā€™t give up. Donā€™t be tired. Donā€™t allow the situation to make you weary; (ii) Remain in your position. Stand firm in your position. There are people who gets so impatient with God. When missionary Funsho Bolaji was sharing his testimony; For ten years ā€“ They were looking for the fruit of the womb. He said; See those prophets the people were calling him to will take the glory instead of God ā€“ and so, he remains in his position. Keep your position. Keep your integrity. (iii) Donā€™t be lazy. Work hard. Be diligent. Donā€™t ever be lazy. (iv) Value eternal things. I donā€™t value people who value money above their God. Giod does not respect such people. Value the things of heaven more than any other thing on earth. Value eternal things. When you value money above eternal things; you will remain in the same position forever. Money is a servant. It is meant to be under you; not above you.Ā  No matter how big the money may be; it does not move me in so far as above eternal things. ā€œI will look up unto the hills; from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord; not from abroad.ā€ Be careful of who you associate with. (v) Keep practicing the word of faith. Peter says ā€œā€¦but by your word.ā€ The bible says ā€œThe just shall live by faithā€. Friends, in these times; you can only live by faith and the word of God. If you try to live by your wisdom; you will kill yourself. Go and find out from Isaac; He was sowing even in the times of famine. It may look foolish; Men might not appreciate it; but do it! Operate in faith. Let the word of God lead you. If He says it; I believe it with full faith! I believe in the word of God. I believe God!


Prayer: Father Lord, in this month of November; Settle me!

Before God can settle you; you need to partner with the Lord. Do you want to partner with the Lord? If you have not yet given your life to Christ; confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour today and surrender all to Him.

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