June 4, 2023

Gratitude of Heart

Gratitude of Heart


4th of June, 2023



SERMON TITLE:       Gratitude of Heart

SERMON TEXT:     Romans 11: 35-36

PREACHER:             Reverend Ebenezer Olawuyi



Content:  Songs of worship. God bless you. You may be seated. I welcome you once again to church. Can you just turn round and greet your neighbour and say “welcome to your month of blessings”. Most often, we seem to trivialize the blessings we cannot see. Sometimes ago, some young men were asked about what they found so much beautiful and the greatest wonders in their life, and they mentioned various memorials and monuments that they have witnessed, until a young man stood up and said the greatest wonder for him is that I could sleep in the night and wake up the next morning. Waking up in the morning is a miracle. Being able to laugh and walk is a miracle. Paul said “who has given him of all things…” All things come from Him. There is a difference between thankfulness and gratitude. Gratitude goes beyond your words. Thankfulness comes from your words – you can say Father I thank you – but what of your life. There are those who says Thank you to Jesus but their life and actions does not show gratitude to Him. Gratitude is the conclusion of thankfulness. In your giving to Him, in your actions, in your service; in your utterances, let God sees that you are grateful. In the Book of Deuteronomy; it says: because you are not grateful to the Lord your God; you will serve your enemies… Beloveth, I want you to go beyond your words; show it through your actions that you are grateful to God; in the way you give to Him; in your service; be grateful. Your words may not truly reflect your heart most times but your action does. That’s why they said “Action speaks louder than voice”.  C’mon rise up on your feet and say: O Lord; help me to be grateful beyond words to you indeed all the days of my life. Songs: “My life time; I will give God my lifetime. My lifetime; I will give God my lifetime. When I give God my lifetime; he will take care of me. He will never let me down. I will give God my lifetime.” Lord, we offer our lives to you this morning as a living sacrifice. In Jesus name we prayed. Amen!


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