October 23, 2022




23rd OF OCTOBER, 2022



SERMON TITLE: How to Enjoy Answers to Prayers (Fasting)

SERMON TEXT: Matthew 17: 14-21

PREACHER: Reverend Ebenezer Olawuyi



Content:  We have been looking at the conditions for answered prayer and we are now in number three. I am going to do a just quick recap of everything this morning. I am going to go through those 23 points. But let me give this foundation. The Bible says in Psalm 55 verse 1: O You who hear prayer, To You all flesh shall come. It’s more promising in our time today, not in the days of old, because Jesus is now. We now have a mediator who can speak on our behalf. Who can plead our case. That is why Jesus said in John chapter 16 verse 24: Hitherto, you have asked nothing in my name. Now ask that you will receive and your joy may be full. Jesus went through the cruelty and the shame of the cross. He went through the cruelty of men. The scripture says the contradiction of men against him on the cross. That why he said in Philippians chapter 2:6 says
He made himself of no reputation
. Look at the next verse. He humbled himself and became obedient. The bible says in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 to 2 that
 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Look at this one.. Who for the Joy that was set before him endured the cross
. He was not looking for what men was looking for. Jesus says Hitherto, you have asked nothing in my name. But now, you begin to ask and you will receive speedy answer because there is something I want and now I have obtained it. I am now sitting on the right hand of God on the throne. That’s why the scripture says in Psalm 110 verse 1: The Lord said to my Lord sit down by my right hand. Galatians 3:13. Jesus endured the most gruesome, the most shameful death
so that He can now say Daddy you remember this boy; they have really attacked him for so long; now is the time to set him free from the hand of the devil. After he has endured the cruelty and shamefulness; He now sat down on the throne by the right hand of God; His enemies under his footsteps. The name of Jesus. There is something about that name. It is not just a name he inherited; It’s a name he qualified for. He is the one sitting there making intercession for us. I John 2:1. He is there interceding for us. We have an intercessor who is praying for you. He is saying at the throne: Daddy it’s time to remember this man. The one who is better than the angel. He is better than the old covenant. The one who is better than the sacrifices. Every covenant name of God in the old covenant converged into that name of Jesus “Yeshua”. Jehovah Tsidqenu – The Lord our righteousness. It’s in the name of Jesus. Jehovah El-Shaddai – The Lord our sufficiency. It’s in the name of Jesus. Jehovah Rohi – The Lord my shepherd. They put all these together into the name of Jesus. Jehovah Jireh – He is our provider. When you call Jesus – You will receive your deliverance. When you call Jesus – Angels will obey. He could command legions of Angel. You remember that place in the scripture. You can use the name of Jesus in Battle. Can I hear you call the name of Jesus again. Jesus – the name above all name. All hail the power of Jesus’s name! The book of Acts 7 verse 55. I say it to someone here. The heaven will stand up for you! Amen! Now raise your voice – crown him with your own mouth – The Lord of the lords. When it’s time to pray; some people will be thinking prayers. You don’t think prayers – You speak out – You vocalize prayer. Vision makes you turn pain to praise. Vision makes you to turn shame to praise. I discovered this. Whatever makes you to shut your mouth during prayers is a demon. Some people like to think prayers. You must vocalize your thoughts into words. Immediately you get out of church – you can talk. Why can’t you pray with that same mouth? Use what you have to get what you want. Bartimaeus did not have eyes, but he has mouth. He shouted: Jesus, son of God; have mercy on me. We will be having an unusual prayers session for this year’s unusual encounter – We will be having 40 days fasting and prayers starting from 29th July. Matthew 17:20. It’s in the scripture that: Move from here to there. You command the mountain to move from here to there. Verse 21: However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting. If you want to become anything in life; You must fast. Prayer and fasting puts you in a high pedestal. It changes your level. This year- don’t miss it. Try it. The story of your life will change. The story of your family will change. You will receive health in Jesus name. Isaiah chapter 58 verse 6-8. Verse 8 says “Then your light shall break forth
.”. Daniel 9: 3. Daniel went on fasting. Verse 4 says: “I prayed
”. David also fast in Psalm 35 verse 13
 “I humbled myself with fasting
” Fasting strengthens you to be able build your faith strong enough to operate in the supernatural realm with the name of Jesus. There is something about that name. But there must be faith in that name. What fasting does is that it builds up your faith in the name of Jesus. It makes you to be spiritually sensitive. If you think you need medical counselling; we have a pastor who is a medical doctor among us. Let me tell you; No matter where you have gotten to; it is nothing compared to what God has prepared for you. The bible says “
eyes have not seen; ears have not heard
”. You want expansion; turn it to prayer and fasting. You want family bliss; turn it to prayer and fasting. Self-discipline is self-imposed standard and restrictions which are motivated by a desire for a better alternative. That little boy gave up what he has to Jesus and his disciples to feed the 5000 people and got 12 baskets full of cakes and fishes in return. If you don’t know how to give up the pleasure of the moment; you can’t achieve the joy of the future. No one trades with God and loses. Galatians 6 verse 7: “God cannot be mocked; for whatever a man sows; he reaps
”. Tell God: I enter into business with you. I don’t care about what has happened in the past. I am coming afresh to you. For His mercies are new every morning. Give up whatever can become a stumbling block for you. Give it up for the better alternative. Friends; be determined. Pray for grace. I can do it.  Young people; your destiny is in your hands. Don’t allow the devil to play you around like football because you couldn’t discipline yourself. Shall we rise as we pray! And if you have not received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour; prayer and fasting will just be a waste of time.


Prayer: Father, I receive grace for tenacity – not to give up.

Ask the Lord to encourage and strengthen you – to help you to organize your program – to organize your time – as you prepared for the program.


If you have not yet given your life to Christ; confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour today and surrender all to Him.

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