December 17, 2023

How to Preserve Your Harvest (2)

How to Preserve Your Harvest (2)


17th of December, 2023



SERMON TITLE:       How to Preserve Your Harvest (2)

SERMON TEXT:     Psalm 65: 1-2

PREACHER:            Reverend Ebenezer Olawuyi



Content: Just lift up his voice and begin to thank him. Thank him. Thank him for the victory he has given to you. Just thank him for the victory Thank him for the victory. I will like you to know like in the words of David in Psalms 156. Can you imagine how many arrows he has diverted away from you. Just tell him and say: Jesus I want to thank you. Say: Jesus I’m grateful. Thank you. Jesus, I thank you. Thank you for your salvation. Thank God for your family, siblings, children. Thank him for his protection. In Jesus name we have given thanks. Even in a day; going forth and coming back has been by the grace and protection of God. Father, we are grateful. Hallelujah! Paul spoke about how mercy preserved Epaphroditus and himself. He said he was sick to the point of death, but mercy preserved him. C’mon, thank him once again – thank him for your family. If any of your family is affected; you will be affected. Song of praise. I am alive today only because of his grace; his mercy kept me so I won’t let go. C’mon, put your beautiful hands together for God.  Prayer. Turn to the person on your left and on your right and say: you are welcome. Okay. Do it like this: Good Morning! That’s a prophecy. Last week, I started to look at the topic. Can someone tell me? “How to protect your harvest!” Amen!   Number 2 – Maintain your position – Don’t leave your place.  Number 3 – Do what? Reconsider your association. He says: Praise awaits you O God in Zion. God is still waiting for you to come back and share your testimony. Continuous review of last week sermon. Please don’t seek man’s help. Something happens in the book of Genesis 16 verse 2. This singular decision put the whole world in trouble. Listen. Blessing that comes from self-help is a curse and not a blessing. The same Sarah has to tell Abraham – please send her away. Proverbs 10: 22 – The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow… I Samuel 2: 8. When God blesses you; you are blessed indeed – it adds no sorrow. Jacob got the blessings from his father – but look at what he has to go through for 20 years. In fact, by the time he came back; his father is dead. The problem of Jacob was not Esau nor Laban per se. There are some Esau still waiting ahead of you. Those confessions you need to make that you covered up; you need to sort it out – you need to speak out. You thought you covered it up; – one year, two year – you thought you have sorted ut out; but it still waiting ahead of you. Look at Saul; Samuel told him – why did you do this? This kingdom – your kingdom – God has taken it away from you. Okay, let’s continue for today. Number five – Practice the life of faith – Life without faith is paralyzed already. Hebrews 11: 6 – Without faith; it is impossible to please God. You must satisfy the examiner; or else, you are not going anywhere. Until you satisfied the examiner; you are not going anywhere. You may say – you know it – you know it, but, if you don’t satisfy the examiner; you can’t pass. Romans 10: 17.  Habakkuk 2: 4. Romans 1: 17. Galatians 3: 11. The just shall live by faith. Hebrews 10: 38. What are the indices of faith? What are the proofs of faith? You know – Faith is tangible! They sneaked in that paralyzed man through the roof for Jesus to heal him – and Jesus saw his faith. You can’t tell me you have a faith when you kept speaking negatively – speaking disaster to yourself. II Corinthians 4: 13. You can’t tell me you believe when you kept speaking negative to your life. Someone said something negative to you and you kept quiet – forgetting that everything is spiritual. How do you show your belief? By speaking. Speak out your faith! I have made it. This sickness will not kill me. Say it! Speak out! Another index of faith, number six – is to visualize what you want to come to be – you conceive it. You remember the story of Abraham? And God told Abraham – Lift up your head and count the number of stars. You didn’t have a good dream; you need to go and pray – your dream is being manipulated by demons. Conceive what you want to get – if you can conceive it; you can receive it. You conceive it in your mind; you can have it in your hand. The next index of faith, number seven – Patience. Hebrews 10: 35. You have fasted; you have prayed – then be patient. Patient with hope – not patience with hopelessness. Number Eight – Keep honouring God. The scripture says concerning Eli in I Samuel 2: 30… Dishonouring God can make a man to lose his long-awaited blessing. God said I earlier said to you and your father will walk before me forever – but now, no way. Friends, keep honouring the Lord. Malachi 1: 6. Friends, there’s a place of honour. God says a servant should respect his master a son should respect his father. Then, where is my honour? If you honour him; he will show himself great in your life. How do you honour him?  Honour him with your words. Honour him with your substance. Proverbs 3: 9-10. Honour him with your tithe. Honour him with your substance. Colossians 3: 17. I was telling a young brother some days ago that I came out of my closet to honour God in your life. Psalm 15: 4. When you see anyone who fears the Lord; honour them. Number Nine – Serve God while you are waiting. Exodus 23: 25. When you serve the Lord; you hasten that blessing you are waiting for. There are people who wants God to bless them, but they don’t want to serve God. If you want God to hasten your blessing; then keep serving the Lord. Walk with prophecies. I Timothy 1: 18. That is why you should always write the prophecy down. Whatever you have in your head will disappear; but whatever you write down will remain. Just one word can change the story of man. Those prophecies came out the servants of God as the unction comes out of them and they released it – your own is to write it down – whichever belongs to you – and keep praying on it. So, if you didn’t write anything down; you better go back to Facebook and rewatch them and pick the one that is yours – and keep praying on it. Finally, Number Ten – pay your vow. You have committed God to do something for you first when has not tested you. Paty your vow to the Lord – making vow goes extra mile. Hannah says I will give you the child and before that month ends; she became pregnant. Can you imagine if Hannah had defaulted in paying the vow – by dedicating the child back to God; that would be real 4-1-10. Psalm 76: 11; Genesis 31: 13.  It was in that land that his only daughter was raped – it was in that land that two of his sons made him to become bitter which led to him cursing them later. Genesis 35: 1. Some people knows God during the time of distress; but forget God during the time of comfort. Make vow to the Lord and pay them. Maybe in your closet you have said to the Lord; Lord if you can do this for me; this is what I am going to do for you for the rest of my life. You may forget; but God did not forget. God is a faithful God. Go back and pay that vow.




Altar call.


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