June 25, 2023

The Power of Covenant Blessing   

The Power of Covenant Blessing   


25th of June, 2023



SERMON TITLE:       The Power of Covenant Blessing of God

SERMON TEXT:     Genesis 15: 17-18

PREACHER:             Pastor Samuel Komolafe



Content:  Can you welcome the person beside you and say “You are welcome to church’.  May the Lord bless the reading of His words in Jesus name. You can ben seated. I will be speaking to us this morning on the power of the covenant blessings. When we read these verses two days ago; we saw that God commanded Abram to make pieces of meat which God passed through. The covenant is demonstrating God’s faithfulness. His counsel does not change. Man may change, but God does not change. Our daddy was telling us last week that this covenant is not unconditional on anything. Making an oath usually requires two persons, as regards to that of men, but in this case; the covenant came solely from God and it is a permanent covenant but because, if it is for Abraham himself, being human, the covenant would have failed. What Gid is saying is that, as long as I am alive – and God cannot die – the covenant will remain forever. Abraham could have failed. Many people appeared in the scriptures but later failed, but that of Jesus remains forever; it can never fail. Hebrews 6: 13-18. God decided to show his faithfulness and immutability through His immutable covenant blessings. It is not by sight; not by what is going on around us; but God, by His covenant blesings, which remains unchanged. God is always faithful. From the Life of Abraham; we will draw few points of what we can see as the power of covenant blessings:

  • The covenant blesings is the guarantee of God’s divine presence. As long as that covenant has not failed; God is still with you. Genesis 8: 22. As long as you can still see these things; know that God has not abandon you. God’s faithfulness over your life still remains forever. In Luke chapter one; God visited his people, despite the silent years; He is always faithful. The period between the Old Testament and New Testament; it is as if the heavens are shut, but God’s faithfulness remains forever. Hebrews 13: 5-6. As long as the covenant blessing are still active; know that God is still with you. You are not running the race alone.  In John 14; He said “…I will send another helper to you which will abide with you forever”. God’s presence is always with you.
  • The covenant blessings can change your status. When God wanted to change the situation of Abraham; he did not throw money at him. It was blessings he pronounced on him. If you are poor today; what you need is the word of God, not money. What you need is the covenant blessing that will change your situation. Genesis 23: 4. Abraham himself declared that he was a foreigner, but eventually inherited the land. Don’t see yourself as an outcast. We that are far off has been brought near. Ephesians 2: 11-13. The way God changed the status of Abraham, being a foreigner of the land; God has also changed our status. We are no longer strangers; we have the covenant of God over our lives. We only need to activate them. Activate that covenant and your status will change. Hebrews 11: 9-10. Abraham went to foreign country and saw that they are dwelling in tent, but God made him prosper in the land and gave him the land. So, don’t say because you are a stranger in Ilorin that you cannot prosper.
  • The covenant blessing is transgenerational. God told Abraham that “To you and your seeds…” We need to focus on generational blessings, as many are focusing on generational curses. In Genesis 12: 7; God says: “To your descendants, I will give this land”. Deuteronomy 7: 9 says “He is God that keeps the covenant and mercy for a thousand generations”. God cannot forget His covenant blessings. He remembers His covenant forever. Psalm 105: 8. For a thousand generation; God is faithful. As long as the covenant is on your life; it will not end with you. It will run through to many of your generations after you.
  • The covenant blessing restores. Genesis 15: 13-16. The four hindered years of slavery is not enough to terminate the covenant of God upon Abraham’s life. All that you have lost cannot be restored. For a covenant child; nothing is lost no matter how long. Whatever you may have lost; they are returning back to you in Jesus name. “You have not inherited the land by the sword…” Psalm 44:1. The seed of the righteous is not lost. No child of the righteous is lost; they will be restored.
  • The covenant blesings can the little to abundance and the dead to life. This promise that God gave Abraham was not fully attained by Abraham himself but the generation after him. When Sarah died; he needed a place to bury her. So, he approached the people of the land to buy the land to bury his wife. Those are his few possessions in the land, but the generation after him came back later to take over everything. Whatever God gave you today can turn to big thing tomorrow. Do not despise your small beginnings. Job. 8: 7. For the people that carry the covenant blessing; the covenant blessing will always multiply. Acts 7: 4. You may have nothing today, but your latter end shall greatly increase in Jesus name. Amen! Romans 4: 17-22. The covenant blessings of God worked for Abraham; it will work for us.

The covenant blessing is restoring those things that are lost in our lives and making those little things to become abundant for us in Jesus name.

Finally, as we close, if you haven’t given your life to Christ; you need to come to Him today and give your life to Him, so that the covenant blessings can yours too forever in Jesus name.



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