December 1, 2021

Unusual Encounter 2021 (Day 1 Morning)

Unusual Encounter 2021 (Day 1 Morning)


DAY 1 (Morning Session)

Theme: Signs and Wonders

Sermon Topic: The Endorsement of Jesus of Nazareth

Text: Acts 2:22

“Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:”



When you gather together in a political gathering, sometimes you see the leaders of the party taking a candidate and bringing it to the podium; raise up his hands and say, “This is our candidate; this is the candidate that will represent us. Please support him, back him up,” then everybody will jump up and celebrate him, welcoming him. That public endorsement is important, it is an attestation that this person will represent us – he is our candidate.

It is a public approval of the person – public declaration that this person has been approved by our party. Sometimes, a very important politician also endorses because he has a lot of followers. Once he endorses a man, everybody begins to follow him, because when endorsement is not done, a lot of people may still have questions about his authority.


The Bible says concerning Jesus of Nazareth that He was publicly endorsed by God; He was publicly approved by God; He was attested by God. He was accredited by God, saying, “This man you know well, this Jesus that came from Nazareth of Galilee is the one that I am backing up; I am standing by Him; I approve him and I endorse him to carry out signs and wonders in the midst of you.

I approve him to carry out miracles in your midst.” This is the Jesus we are talking about today, God publicly attested Him. The Bible says, “He was attested by God to them by Signs and Miracles which God did through them in the midst of all them.”


Who is Jesus of Nazareth? Jesus of Nazareth was the one who was born by Mary but was not conceived by Joseph. Jesus was the Son of God; He is the Son of God; the God who became Flesh; conceived of the Holy Ghost; born as a human being. He became the Son of Man, even though He is God. He took of himself of no reputation.

He became as man, taking the form of man and coming in the appearance of man. He was a carpenter just like His father, no wonder, the people of Nazareth didn’t believe in him when he was preaching in the synagogue with great wisdom. The Scripture says they denied him, saying, “Is this not the carpenter, the son of the carpenter? He himself is a carpenter. Is he not Jesus the son of Mary?” They also knew he was born of Mary.

They knew James, Joses, Judas and the Caesars. They say, “We know him, we know his father’s house.” Jesus of Nazareth, who came to his own but his own did not believe him. They despised him, no wonder, Jesus did not do a lot of Signs and Wonders in Nazareth.


This is the Jesus of Nazareth, born of man, who took flesh and blood so that he can sympathize with you. The one who came as a human being, who can feel what you feel. Jesus of Nazareth, he was hungry just like you are hungry, thirsty just like you. Jesus of Nazareth!

He was also in sorrow, he also wept, despised of men, rejected of men, he was persecuted by men, in fact, the Bible says concerning Jesus of Nazareth that he had no place to sleep. The Bible says, “the birds of the air have places to sleep, but Jesus had no place.”


Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God who came like man. He went all the way, died like man so that He could taste death and deliver those who through their lives have been put under the bondage of death. He died to set people under the bondage of death free.

Jesus of Nazareth was one day walking through the city of Nain and saw a widow, they were carrying her only son who is dead. Jesus stopped them and laid his hands on the corpse; the dead then rose up. Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested by God to carry out signs and wonders.


Jesus of Nazareth was in the tomb of Lazarus and the sisters of Lazarus said, “if you had come early, my brother wouldn’t have died.” He said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Jesus of Nazareth went to the tomb of Lazarus and called him, “Lazarus, come forth” – the dead heard him.


Jesus went about saving people. The Bible says, “A virgin will bring forth a son… I will give you a sign,” Jesus is the sign God has given to the world. A virgin will bring forth a son and you will call him Emmanuel. Jesus! The scripture says, “His name shall be called Jesus, He will save people from their sin. His name shall be called Yeshua.” Salvation! Not only to save people to go to heaven, He will save you from sin and its power, save you from sickness and deliver you. Jesus will give you peace, He will give you faith, all encompassing in His name.

He saved Zacchaeus; He said to him, “Today, salvation has come into your house, for I have come to seek and to save that which is lost.” He saved the woman caught in the act of adultery, the woman addicted to sin. He turned to the woman, “Where are your accusers?” The woman said she can’t find them. He then released his power, “Go and sin no more!” The power to live above sin, his name is called Jesus. Call His name, “Jesus!” Call it two more times and louder, “Jesus!!”


Jesus of Nazareth went about doing good; healing all those oppressed of the devil. He healed Peter’s wife’s mother of fever. He healed the paralytic, He healed the woman with the issue of blood. He said that is the reason he came.

“He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with His stripes we are healed.” “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing those oppressed of the devil.” Jesus of Nazareth will do you good this morning! Amen.


Jesus of Nazareth went about releasing people oppressed of the devil. A man with legions of demons after encountering Jesus came to his normal senses and people wondered. I am praying for somebody this morning, God will show you His wonders. Jesus of Nazareth delivered people with the spirit of infirmities. A woman with the spirit of infirmities for many years, 18 years – she was bent over; the princes could not help her, but Jesus came and said “Woman, be healed!” Jesus went about delivering people, providing safety.

The Bible says concerning His disciples that they were inside a boat; they thought they will perish and cried out, “Jesus, care not that we are perishing?” He arose and calmed the storm. The Bible says, “What kind of man is this that even the storm obeys him?” Let me pray for somebody this morning, “The storm threatening your destiny, family and life is coming to an end now!” Let me hear three big amen! Jesus of Nazareth stilled the storm.


Jesus of Nazareth went about providing. He fed 5,000 men, asides women and children, with five loaves and two fishes. He turned water into wine – He turned embarrassment into glory. The Bible says this begins his miracle. He turned negative tendency into forward movement.

Can I speak a prophecy again to somebody? “You have been discovering that things have been going wrong in your life; things are going down and you have been wondering why. Hear the word of the Lord, from now, there is a reversal.” If you are the one, let your amen be louder than your labour. Your financial situation is changing today; you are moving from ‘not enough’ to ‘more than enough’.


This is the Jesus of Nazareth that God approved with signs and wonders. His name provoked signs and wonders. The apostles were praying in Acts 4:30, the Bible says they prayed – “By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.”

Do you want miracles? Do you want wonders? Call that name Jesus again. The name of Jesus provokes signs and wonders. The name of Jesus makes you a carrier of signs and wonders: “These signs shall follow them that believe.…” From today, signs and wonders will begin to run after you in the name of Jesus.


The name of Jesus makes you a wonder; you are a wonder to your world. His name shall be called wonderful. Anything that makes you to wonder, that makes you to marvel, yes, that is the name of Jesus. Father, I pray for ten people here who can say the greatest amen, “Before the end of these seven days, do something that will make them to wonder in the name of Jesus.” He will do it for you in the name of Jesus.


The name of Jesus makes you to exercise authority over powers. You don’t run away from them again, you tread upon them. Jesus said in Luke 10:19, “All powers in heaven and earth have been given to me.” I give you power, go ahead and mess up the devil. What brings others down will not bring you down any longer. Go and step upon them, I give you power to tread upon serpents and all the powers of the devil. The name of Jesus makes you to be a wonder, it delivers authority to you.

The name of Jesus opens the heavens for your signs and wonders. The Bible says, when you pray in that name, I (God) will hear from heaven. There is something with that name; miracles are done in that name, wonders are done in that name. I pray for someone who believes, even as you are seated there, the hand of God that brings signs and wonders rests upon you in Jesus name. Jesus of Nazareth! His name is not an ordinary name, it opens the door of grace and salvation. The scripture says, “There is no name given among men by which men must be saved.” Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!


Some people seek signs and wonders but reject Jesus – they missed it. They can’t get signs and wonders. If they get it, they get it from the devil, because the devil will also perform signs and wonders and put people into bondage, sorrow and pains. It is Jesus alone that God has endorsed to carry out signs and wonders. Don’t seek for signs and wonders, seek for Jesus who was crucified, Jesus who died for you, Jesus who suffered for you. Seek after Jesus, then signs and wonders will follow you. Make Jesus your partner, your friend. Make Jesus your life, then signs and wonders will be your definition. Jesus is the one God has endorsed. His name is Wonderful.


Don’t seek for Signs and Wonders, seek for Jesus!


Rise on your feet!



  1. Prayer of Salvation and Altar Call.
  2. Father, let signs and wonders follow me from today in the name of Jesus.
  3. Father, perform your wonders in my life from now.







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