December 6, 2022

Unusual encounter 2022 (Day 6 Evening)

Unusual encounter 2022 (Day 6 Evening)





SERMON THEME: God of All Possibilities

SERMON TEXT:  Genesis 39: 1-6; Psalm 44: 3

PREACHER: Bishop Moses Alabi Idris



Shout a loud hallelujah. If you are excited tonight; wave your hands to the lord and say Lord thank you. Lord, I thank you for making to be alive. I thank for the gift of life. Thank God for He has been good to you. I like you to do it meaningfully. I like you to do it purposefully. Do you know that for you to escape all the hurdles and troubles of 2022; I want you to thank the lord that you are not in the best hospital where there is AC, waterbed, what have you, but yet you are not comfortable. You saw all the days of this year until now; the remaining days of this year; you will see them in Jesus name. Shout a loud hallelujah. Tonight is a miracle night. God will touch you where you are. But I want you to return all the glory back to God, since the January of this year. I always travel a lot and when I hear that people passed through the same way I passed through, but something happens to them all the road; then I wonder about the protection of God over my life. Therefore, I want you to thank the Lord for his graciousness over your life. I am going to read two scripture passages, then we will pray. Genesis 39:1-6; Psalm 44: 3. Shall we pray. Father thank you tonight. Thank you for you brought us to the sixth day of unusual encounter program. Thank God for prayers morning and night. Thank you for this gathering tonight will not be in vain. Thank you for you will deliver all tonight and all the glory will be yours. In Jesus name, we pray. My miracle tonight will be unbelievable tonight. Shout Hallelujah! The miracle of one-day favour was witnessed by only two people in the bible. The third person that will encounter it will be you tonight.  Whatever that change the life of the people is not an ordinary thing. I want you listen t me tonight and focus on the altar. Let not distract you for side talk; after service you can do that. Anything that I prophetic has God as its backing. Whatever that changes the destiny of the people is what is called prophetic. Today is the sixth day of unusual encounter program and the sixth day was the day that God designed man. So, the sixth day is the day of beauty, the day of colour. It is the day that makes the heaven glad. So, put it in your mind that God will reveal your identity to you tonight. Life is really full of challenges but know that God is the creator of labour. There is a dignity in the labour of man. But the opposite of labour is favour. No matter how you labour in life; it is limited. There are things that you cannot get by labour. Labour can put food on your table, help you build house etc. but labour cannot help you fulfill destiny. In the bible; David was a hard worker, but at a point, God turned his labour to favour. When we talk about favour; that’s what I called progress and achievement. Achievement that people will be wondering about how it occurs. For example, you are selling pepper but you built a 27-storey building. You cannot trace that to pepper selling. Hear me very well. By the time you return here next year; favour would have made you great. When favour is in a man; he would just be advancing even when you are thinking the person does not qualify. A little boy of a family of 7 once questioned the reason why his father was poor; But the father says: I worked Oh boy, but work never work for me. In this life; work will work for you in Jesus name! I know a man. That man is so blessed in the family. All his siblings begin to accuse their mother that he snatched their stars and give it to him only. How did it happen to the man? A man gave him a bank job and begin to connect him everywhere. Favour is important in your life. Hear me. God is the one that gives favour. I believe that, tonight, God is going to choose you to favour you for the rest of the year. There are people who run after men today. When you run after men; you will waste away. What you need in this life is for favour to locate you. How to provoke favour: Number 1: Favour comes by God’s choice and there is nothing anyone can do about that. That is why you must align yourself on the Lord’s side. You must be valuable in the God’s kingdom. If you are nit valuable; God will not look at you as someone to be favoured. Number 2: Favour comes by man’s character. It is the character of man that brings favour for the. It is the good. That is all over the bible. The bible says in the book of I Samuel Chapter 18: 5, 10, 15. The Bible says that David behaves himself wisely. He has a character that men cannot resist. After church; you are unhappy, squeezing face, fighting people; there are others there you don’t want to see. Like I used to say; you are your own. I considered lack of character as witchcraft. You may not be flying in the night. It is witch people that easily get offended. Anyone you envy; you can’t have what he has. Lack of character, therefore, is a witchcraft. If you are unhappy to your brother. You don’t like their face. You don’t want to have anything to do with them. It’s a witchcraft. And God will not deal with witches. Your character is highly important in life. Until you check your attitude; is it in life with the word of God? Is it in life with what your pastor is preaching? There are sisters in the church who are not getting husband, but likes to be selective and are abusive. Therefore, there are brothers who doesn’t want to mingle with them. Likewise, are that of brothers. The bible says whoever findeth a good wife; findeth a good thing and obtaineth favour from the sight of the Lord. If a sister also findeth a husband, has also find favour. You cannot trust some brothers in the church, not even with money. We called ourselves holy ghost people; yet we cannot trust each other. A woman usually come from Ikoyi, Lagos to our place at Abule Egba, Lagos. The woman will bring her prayer points containing all her children names and she want me to be praying for the names one by one. When I’m done; Mama will place two hundred naira in my hand. If you are pastor; what will you think, given the way she dressed and the car she drives? She always does that every two months. I didn’t know that she was doing that intentionally and studying me. Mama ordered one of the sons to buy phone for me. Then, Mama brought one of his sons, and say Pastor pray for him until he rises. He said until he rose to greatness; I will not leave you. And any time after I prayed; he will always drop money in incrementally, until one day; he left one thousand dollars in a flat envelope. When you don’t fix your character; it will hinder your destiny. One day he came, and he didn’t say anything, went back, and suddenly send 5.5 million naira. He said God has blessed me and I need to reciprocate. So, you must understand that character is really important. Some people will be disqualified in the day of their favour because of character. Number three: Favour comes with your service in the house of the Lord. I don’t know your strength in this church, but everyone should have something they are doing in the house of the Lord. Another (fourth) point: Favour comes through impartation from the man of God with grace. No matter how good your work is; you are still limited except a man of God impart on your life. The last point is: through a conscious and highly sacrificial seed sowing. If it is easier for you to sow a seed at a level; because your constant seed sowing help s you at that level irrespective of the state of the economy. Sacrifice is what you left you and you know it left you. Sacrifice is what left you and you feel empty of it. Favour is very mysterious. That is why not everyone can be favoured. So, for you to be favoured; you need to go through the requisite process. Joseph’s brother unknowingly made sacrifice for his glory and God accepted it for him. I ministered recently at the UK in a congregation called Dominion Christian Center. There was a brother called Simeon who built a house, but his mother snatched the house and gave it to his elder brother. I told Simeon, a tall man, to prostrate, I passed over him and told him to give 530 pounds. I never knew that his wife was in the congregation. He ran to the ATM, withdrew the money, and place it on the altar. But God repaid him abundantly. A life of sacrifice is a painful thing. Life of sweetness has sacrifice behind it. I know I’m in Kwara, but God is not a respect of anywhere nor anybody. God of Kwara is also a God of Abuja. Call to the altar for sacrificial offering. Prayers.

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