December 7, 2022

Unusual Encounter 2022 (Day 7)

Unusual Encounter 2022 (Day 7)


TOPIC: God of all Possibilities
TEXT: Acts 2:24
PREACHER: Rev. Ebenezer Idowu Olawuyi

Our Father, we cannot thank You enough. We are saying, “Thank You, Jesus.” You have brought
us to the seventh day, thank You, because from now, it is going to be a new life. For these few
minutes, Holy Spirit, we pray you take over. Do it yourself and let your name be glorified.

Acts 2:24 says, “Whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not
possible that He should be held by it.” I told you the other day that you need power. If you want
to succeed in the Christian life and make it in this world, you need power. Even our Lord Jesus in
his human flesh had to wait for power. Acts 10:38 says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were
oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him,” pay attention to the emphasis. It didn’t say, “How
God anointed Jesus” alone, it adds something to it to speak about His nativity and where He came
from to imply that Jesus was a man like you and that’s why He is called “the Son of man.” It is
like saying, “How God anointed Lanre from Abule-Egba” or “How God anointed Peter of AjaseIpo,” so that you can know that it was not just Jesus Christ in His Godlike form that was anointed
but that even he had to be anointed in his human form just like every other human being. What
brings the difference between what we can see with our eyes and what we see supernaturally is the
Holy Ghost. What made Jesus stand out was the Holy Ghost in Him – the power of God that
singled him out. He had to wait to be anointed. How dare you think you can go out and do anything
without the Holy Spirit? You need power.

The Scripture tells us that even when Jesus was put in the tomb and buried, it was the Holy Ghost that came and raised him up because it was not possible for him to be held down.” How did I know? Rom. 8:11 says, “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” Friends, I can’t overemphasize, you need Power and you need the anointing of the Holy Ghost to come upon you.Now, when the Holy Ghost comes upon you, what will happen to you?

1. You will be empowered. You know, there are so many powerless Christians in our generation today. Those who should go about picking serpents are being picked byserpents. The Bible says in Mark 16:17 that, “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;” that is, everywhere you go and see the works of the devil, you begin to mess them up, you begin to bulldoze the works of the devil. When the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you receive Power.

2. He will reveal things to you. The Bible says in John 2:24, “But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men.” Humans are difficult and so, you need God to reveal things to you. Why some people give up life is because they cannot see the future. You need the Holy Spirit to reveal deep things to you.

3. He will guide you. This world is dangerous. You need to know where to go per time,
especially in our days of insecurity. Jeremiah 10:33 says, “O Lord, I know the way of man
is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” Friends, you need
guidance. You need to ask, “Who should I marry? What business should I choose? Which
house should I rent?”

Somebody recently rented an apartment and stayed with his wife in the house for two years.
His wife had been sick for a long time, he had to take her to the village because he was
tired, even the wife also asked to be taken away. By the time he returned, he went into his
room because he and his wife do not stay in the same room. If you are staying away from
your spouse, go and repent; what God has joined together, let no room or age separate. He
started praying all through the night and in the morning when he went into his wife’s room,
he felt like cleaning it and began cleaning. When he lifted the rug, what did he see?
He saw that his wife had been sleeping on top of a tomb; there was someone buried in the room his
wife had been sleeping in for over two years. He got angry and called the caretaker. The
caretaker was raking that it wasn’t his fault. He was not happy and decided to call the
landlord. When the landlord came, he started begging him not to be angry that it was his
wife he buried inside the room. He packed his load out of the house that night.
You need guidance. The Bible says, “When the Spirit of truth shall come, it will guide you
into all truth.” In these days of scammers and ‘yahoo yahoo’ where some people have lost
billions, you need the Holy Ghost to guide you.

4. He will teach you. Some people read the Bible like a story book, they do not understand.
It is the Holy Ghost that gives life. The Bible says, “
for the letter kills, but the Spirit give
life.” A Professor of Religious Studies can know nothing whereas you can see a child who
knows a lot. A Bishop in the Church of England who had ordained a lot of people came up
one day and said he does not believe in the resurrection of Jesus. Can you imagine that?

5. You need the Holy Ghost to remind you of some things you already know. Some people
will write a lot but won’t remember. As much as it is good to write, it is the Holy Ghost
that will remind you when you have forgotten.

How do you receive the Holy Ghost?
1. You have to be born again. The Holy Spirit does not come into the life of a sinner. Jesus
said in John 14:16 – 17, “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper,
that He may abide with you forever – the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive,
because it neither sees Him nor knows Him
” No, they cannot receive Him. They can’t,
it’s not possible, because He is called Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit does not come into a dirty
life. The only reason why the Holy Spirit will come is when a sinner says, “I am sorry”.
The Holy Spirit would convict a sinner at first and then when he repents, the Holy Spirit
will come in.

2. You need to know the promise of God concerning the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28). We have
young people of 3 or 4 years who are born again and are Holy Ghost filled. You see young
people even ministering to their parents. Some years ago when I was serving in Uyo, I was
walking along the street and outside a hall, I saw plenty cars parked outside. I decided to
go in to check and what did I see? I saw a small young boy of about 9 years preaching with
great anointing. He made altar call and there were grey-headed people coming out to give
their life to Christ. I was moved to tears. Why will youths these days go into Yahoo? Most
of the great ministers we have heard about, e.g. Oral Robert, Benny Hinn, etc. they got
saved around the age of 17 and God used them. You need to know the promise of God
concerning the Holy Ghost. There is no age that a person gets to that he cannot receive the
Holy Ghost and be used of God. It was 10 years after I gave my life to Christ, being the
last born in the family of six that my mother received Christ. She got to know the Lord at
Benin under the ministration of Reinhard Bonke and was filled with the Holy Ghost.

3. You need to ask the Father himself. Jesus said in Luke 11, “If you then, being evil, know
how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give
the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” The Father who promised, you need to ask from
Him. He will then allow Jesus to baptize you because Jesus is the baptizer. You don’t
assume it, you must ask. You don’t just feel that he should come, no, you ask for it.

4. When you have asked, you must believe you have received for God is not a liar (Mark

5. You need to act in faith. Faith is acting upon God’s word. In Acts 2:4, the Bible says,
“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak with other tongues,
as the Spirit gave them utterance.” It was not the Holy Ghost or anybody who forced them
to speak, they were the ones who began to speak. They didn’t know what they were saying,
but they opened their mouth and the Holy Ghost took over.
You need a language that the devil cannot understand. Satan can understand Yoruba, he
can understand English, Igbo, Hausa or French but when you turn to the fourth gear, you
get to the Holy Ghost dimension, you are causing confusion in the camp of the enemy, he
can’t understand.

A tenant from the house went to tell the landlord to chase away another tenant because he
was tormenting him. How? He was a cultist and this other brother didn’t know. In the night,
he will be blowing in tongues even without shouting but the fire was touching that occultic
man. When you begin to speak in tongues, you speak mysteries, edify yourself, build up
yourself and send fire to the camp of the enemy. Friends, you need to speak in tongues and
be baptized in the holy Ghost. It says, “These signs shall follow them that believe.” So, you
need to ask in faith. Once you have asked, open your mouth and begin to speak. Sometimes,
after asking, you may need the laying of hands just as in Acts 8:17 when the apostles came
to Samaria and laid hands on the people, after which they began to speak.

6. Anyone desiring the Holy Ghost need to have earnest expectation: a hunger and a
thirst. It is not that somebody is forcing you, there must be a hunger and a thirst. God does
not come to people who are not hungry. God does not pour His Spirit on people who are
not thirsty for it. Friends, as we conclude the Unusual Encounter programme, you need the
power of God to maintain your miracle and confront those power that would want to come
and test you. You need the power of God. It is not by brute force nor muscular strength,
you need the power of God. Zechariah 4:6 says, “
‘Not by might nor by power, but by
My Spirit,’ says the Lord.” Beloved, you need power. Demons cannot stand the power of
the Holy Ghost. I have been in different places, by the grace of God, to Minister and I had
seen that power passes power.
I was somewhere in Bauchi State for five days and the last day was an all-night program. The power of God came mightily and a woman from the East came out and stood up to challenge me. Everybody ran out and left me with her. There is a power that the devil cannot conquer
 By the grace of God, I confronted her with the
Holy Ghost and the demon bowed. All those demons oppressing you, don’t play religiousity. You need power, confront them with the Holy Ghost. Jesus told his disciples not to go witness until they have received power. As you go, after this Unusual Encounter programme, God wants to endue you with power and anoint you afresh.

Let’s rise up and pray
I want to pray this morning first of all, for as many here who wants to say, “I need the Holy Ghost.
Holy Ghost come upon my life. I need the baptism and the infilling of the Holy Ghost.” ‘And you
will receive power when the Holy Ghost has come upon you;’ it is not baptism, confirmation nor
being born-again, it is another experience entirely.
If you want the Holy Ghost to come upon you, I want to pray for you this morning. Remember, you need to thirst for it. If you are hungry and are thirsty for this power and you want me to pray with you, begin to say, “Holy Ghost, I need your power, I need you to empower me. Father, baptize me with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I believe as you have promised me and I therefore ask that you fill and empower me now in the name of Jesus.”

Just follow this instruction; more than you have desired, the Holy Ghost wants to fill you. When I
pray for you and say, “Receive,” open your mouth and speak what comes to your mouth. Don’t
worry about it, the Holy Ghost will take over. I pray, “Father, according to your promise to pour
out your Spirit upon all flesh in the last days, your children have asked, fill your children up now
in the name of Jesus. Receive Him in the name of Jesus.”

You are going to continue from now and begin to speak. When you get back home, continue. Every
opportunity you have, keep on praying. The way the Holy Spirit operates is that when you have a
talent and you don’t use it, the talent begins to die down. So, keep on praying, don’t keep shut.
If you have your anointing oil, raise it up. Father, I pray, “Let this oil cease to become ordinary oil
from now. Let your power enter into this oil. The Holy Spirit, in your anointing and power, enter
this oil. This oil ceases to become just mere oil. As you use this oil from now, wonders and miracles
will happen. The yokes will be broken. Sickness will disappear. Devils will depart. Doors that are
closed will be open. As you use this oil, Jesus will be glorified.” Now, anoint yourself with the oil.

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