Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-10
Memory verse:
ā€œto know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.ā€ Ephesiansā€¬ ā€­3ā€¬:ā€­19
Knowledge without love is more dangerous than ignorance. Head full of biblical knowledge without love breeds the religious spirit, the spirit of the Pharisees. Godā€™s glory is never the glory of such but the flesh. Although, they may appear so spiritual, they only have a form of godliness and are just religious. They know the law of God but not the love of God. They may operate spiritual gifts and demonstrate great zeal in service in the house of the Lord but they are not motivated by love. This is what apostle Paul meant in our text today. To speak in angelic language without love amounts to sheer noise without a message. To operate great gifts without love makes you worth nothing. Even your best gift, that is, your life when sacrificed without love still makes you bankrupt!(I Cor. 13:1-3). Oh, my God! You can serve without love but you canā€™t love without serving. You can give without love but you canā€™t love without giving.
Friends, if you want to get a reward for your services in the house of the Lord and for all you do in His name, always check with the love indicators listed in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Are you patient and kind to others? Do you envy, having hatred for someone because of what he/she has? Thatā€™s usually the cause of rivalry and competition. Are you boastful and proud? Do you usually insist on your own way, not submitting yourself to the authorities over you? Are you easily irritated or provoked when others wrong you or donā€™t agree with you? Do you think evil or are you unforgiving, keeping records of wrongs? Do you rejoice about injustice or rejoices when truth prevails? Do you easily give up and lose faith? Are you hopeful and enduring through every circumstance? May you not suffer bankruptcy in Jesus name.

Prayer points
1. Father, open my eyes to areas where I have been serving without love in Jesus name.
2. Father, let me never suffer bankruptcy in my service in Jesus name.

Today’s declarationsĀ 
1. I can serve without love but I canā€™t love without serving; I can give without love but I canā€™t love without giving.
2. Rewarding service is always motivated by love.
