Text: John 21:1-7
Memory verse:
“I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭36‬

A renowned physician, Prof. Williams Osher, once visited the pediatric ward of a London hospital. As he entered, he saw children who were playing at one end of the room and another girl who sat alone at another side, with a doll in her hands, obviously feeling lonely. On asking about her, the nurse said that other children separated from her, her mum was dead, her father had visited only once and gave the doll which she tightly held. No one had visited after.
Sir williams walked to her bed and said in a voice loud enough to be heard where the other children were playing., “I can’t stay long on this visit, but I had wanted to see you badly”. Her face radiated with joy. Then for several minutes, Sir Williams conversed with her in quiet tone. And as he rose to leave, his voice lifted so that everyone heard, “You won’t forget our secret, will you? And mind you, don’t tell anyone”. As he left, he turned around to see a dramatic twist. The once neglected and lonely child had become the center of attraction of every other child in the ward.
Have you ever wondered why Jesus visited so many during and after His life on earth. Even before His ascension to heaven. He visited the backsliding and guilt-stricken Peter and his friends at the sea of Tiberias; fearful disciples in their closet; doubting Thomas in the room; two confused disciples on the way to Emmaus; and many others . He never left them the same way He met them. According to Matt. 25:35-40, He expects us to continue His work.
Friends, don’t celebrate Easter without extending Jesus’ love to someone. Let God use you to lift someone out of the pit of loneliness, depression, rejection, guilt and to release His healing grace. Your kind words and little acts of kindness will do a miracle you can never imagine. Someone is anxiously waiting for you to lead him or her to that safe place of God’s love and the restoration of faith and hope.

Prayer points
1. Father, as you have shown me grace, please, make me Your channel of grace to others in Jesus name.
2. Father, please, use me to lift someone out of the pit of loneliness, depression, guilt and to restore hope and faith in Jesus name.

Today’s declarations
1. Jesus didn’t wait for me to come to Him, so I won’t wait for someone to ask for my love before I give it.
2. Easter is not about eating and drinking but about sharing the love of Jesus.
