Text: Luke 2:36-38
Memory verse:
“I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.” Isaiah‬ ‭45‬:‭3‬ NKJV

Glean Cunningham and his older brother, Floyd were struck down by fire that claimed the life of Floyd and left Glean severely burnt that doctors said he will never walk again. Yet, through resolute determination, focus and the grace of God, Glean did not only walk but rose up to set the world one-mile record in 1934. In his words, “by the grace of God, I learned to run again.”
Our text today is about prophetess Anna, an 84 years old woman who lost her husband after seven years of marriage and still rose up to fulfill a colorful and an enviable destiny. A nobody from the lost tribe of Asher who became somebody; forgotten by man but remembered by God! At a time when women depended on their husbands for sustenance, she pushed through and remained faithful for the rest of her years. She remained consistent and productive, even at old age, always in the temple worshiping, fasting and praying.
If these people have focused on their challenges, they would have lived frustrated and unfulfilled destinies. The habit of making excuses will keep your focus on ‘why you can’t make it’ instead of on ‘how you can make it’. Excuses will close your eyes to available opportunities in the challenge. Job 14:7-9 says you will rise up again in spite of your setbacks. Isaiah 45:3 says there are treasures inside that darkness. Isaiah 43:19 says God will make a way where there seems to be no way.
Friends, that challenge is not a life full stop but a comma. That setback is a stepping stone for your rising. The day you stop blaming others for your challenges and start taking responsibility for your life is the day your life begins. God won’t hold you responsible for what you have but for what you could have; not for who you are but what you could be. When you stop making excuses, you start progressing to becoming what you can be! Hallelujah!

Prayer points
1. Father, by Your grace, I pull out of the blame cycle to take responsibility for my life henceforth in Jesus name.
2. Father, let me start progressing as I also receive help to stop focusing on excuses in Jesus name.

Today’s declarations

1.The day I stop blaming others for my challenges and I start taking responsibility is the day my life begins.
2.Today, I stop making excuses and I start progressing.
