Text: Luke 8:51-55
Memory verse:
“When He came into the house, He permitted no one to go in except Peter, James, and John, and the father and mother of the girl.” Luke‬ ‭8‬:‭51‬

Never underestimate the influence of faith builders around you. These are people who motivate and inspire you in your walk of faith. They are lighters and igniters of the fire of faith. They stand in faith with you and inject faith in you at your down times.
A man of God who was healed of stage 3 cancer shared recently on how he overcame cancer. A team of doctors, called him into a room to announce the medical report. As the team leader threw the ‘bomb’, the fear of death suddenly gripped him and his eyes dripped with tears. At that moment, his faith crumbled like a park of cards. Everyone around him expressed hopelessness and pitied him. Now, as he stepped out of the hospital, he called his son who was abroad, and announced the death report. To his amazement, his son rejected it, started reminding him of the words of faith that he once taught them and thereafter he continued to challenge him to believe God’s report. His son restored his faith so he became strong in faith while he still went through the medical therapy.
In our text today, Jesus took in only five people who could agree with Him in faith but put out all who could hinder it. Friends, always surround yourself with people who can remind you of what God said and who can agree with you in faith.

Prayer points
1. Father, make me a faith builder in the lives of others and not a faith killer in Jesus name.
2. Father, I receive Your wisdom to choose my friends and to surround myself with faith builders in Jesus name.

Today’s declarations
1. Faith killers are dangerous to the spirit as robbers are to the body.
2. No one can go far in life without friends who can inject faith in one at one’s down times.