Text: 2 Kings 5:1-4
Memory verse:
“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22‬:‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

We established in our past editions that leadership is not about age. A child can exhibit leadership attitude. That was the reason Paul exhorted Timothy not to allow anyone to despise him due to his age (1Tim 4:12). Such was David who didn’t allow king Saul from talking him out of his leadership courage when he offered to challenge Goliath (1 Sam 17:33).
Leadership is not reserved for an elite club nor is it a result of an intimidating personality. Rather, everyone has inherent leadership ability but most are undiscovered. So, every child is born with that potential which needs to be discovered. Training or certification does not make one a leader but it can help a discovered leader to develop his or her leadership attitude. Discovery of self is first, that is, knowing that you are an image of the Leader God and not apes. According to our text, even though the little maid of Naaman’s wife was a captive in a strange land, she didn’t forget her identity and her faith could have inspired her mistress enough to have taken her advice. What an influence!
Children can be taught leadership attitudes. One of my daughters who is now a career woman always say this to me. “I discovered my organizational talent through those exposures at the teenagers’ dinner outreaches and camps”. Even though, she was in her early teen age then, I saddled her with great responsibilities and she did them excellently.
Teach children to set goals and to pursue them with passion in spite of any difficulty they may encounter except when you know it can be dangerous. Always celebrate their little successes towards goal completion.
Give opportunities for children to take decisions but with guidance. Decisions like the cloth to wear, how much to spend etc. Over protection is not helpful for children leadership development.
Friends, the most effective way to train children on leadership is through examples.

Prayer points
1. Father, please, help our children to overcome any fear against the expression of their leadership potentials in Jesus name
2. Father, please, make our children great examples and people of influence in their generation in Jesus name

Today’s declarations
1. I believe children have the ability to lead within their circles.
2. I am conscious of how I live my life as children learn more by what they see than what they hear.

Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng