Text: 2 Chronicles 5:11-14
Memory verse:
“so that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.”
‭‭II Chronicles‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬ NKJV

Sometimes, the anointing works like electric surge. This is why some simply fall when they encounter it, which is referred to as being slain under the anointing. Such persons suddenly sense the power of God radiating through them like electric current to knock out anything hindering it’s free flow. This makes their legs unable to hold them and thus collapsing under them.
“And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. ….” ‭‭(Rev‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬)‬‬.
The word ‘dead’ here means same as a corpse. In a blink of an eye, it was like all life had gone out of him and John crumbled at the feet of Jesus. I have personally experienced this severally in public meetings and in my private prayer. I also see this often when the power of God visits the meeting while I minister. When God manifests His glory in a meeting, the power of God drops on individuals like electric surge. According to our memory text, this happened during the dedication of Solomon’s temple, as the priests’ feet collapsed under them because of God’s revealed glory. There are several examples of people who fell as the glory of the Lord was revealed ‭‭(Gen 17:3; John 18:6; Acts‬ ‭9‬:‭3‬-‭4‬).
Sometimes, the anointing works like an anesthesia. It puts one to deep sleep or a physical unconsciousness. During that time, a supernatural operation takes place as God removes an evil seed or garment from the person. Most often, people share this experience after gaining back their consciousness.
I have seen God wroth unbelievable healing and deliverance when His anointing encounters His people.
Friends, while God don’t always use only one method to achieve His purpose, I have seen many who miss out for not believing in the working of the anointing. Such people close up their minds and stiffened their bodies, refusing to yield even when the Holy Spirit touches them. And since the Spirit, by nature is not forceful, He moves away from such. May you not miss your moment of visitation in Jesus name.

Prayer points
1. Father, please, let me encounter the supernatural touch of Your anointing as I daily yield to Your Spirit in Jesus name.
2. Father, please, let me never miss my moment of Your visitation in Jesus name.

Today’s declarations
1. The anointing visits me, like an electricity to charge me up and like an electric surge, to knock out any strange thing in my body.
2. As I yield myself to the touch of the anointing, the Holy Spirit carries out supernatural procedure in my body.
