Text: 2 Samuel 6:12-23
Memory text:
“Now as the ark of the Lord came into the City of David, Michal, Saul’s daughter, looked through a window and saw King David leaping and whirling before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart.”
II Samuel 6:16 NKJV
There is an adage that says that “The apple does not fall far from the tree”. It means children often have similar traits or qualities like their parents. While this may not be absolutely so, but it’s more often so.
One of the greatest folly I have personally observed in this generation is when I see parents who live ungodly, unserious, wayward, and pretentious lives but demand and desire that their children live the opposite way! What a deception to see parents who have no reverence for God or the things of God now commanding their children to fear God! These children may obey because the parents have the stick, but most often, they begin to rebel against their parent’s authority as they grow older, especially from the teen and youthful ages.
Teenagers are not actually rebellious, but they are confused. Children are social beings, and they learn more by what they see than what they are taught. Complementing a life of example with sound teachings from the word of God is the best approach to train a child. This is what Solomon meant in Proverbs 22:6. This is effective and godly leadership. Our Lord Jesus is the perfect model of this type of leadership. He led by influence through inspiration. (Acts 1:1).
When you study the behaviour of Michal, you won’t need to ask why she acted so irreverently to God and disrespectfully and shamefully to her husband. Daughters usually look like their mothers and sons like their fathers. Except for those who have encountered the saving grace of Christ and have renounced the negative lifestyle or beliefs of their parents.
Michal was just like her father, King Saul. Saul was not moved with the things of God. While David’s goal, as soon as he was settled in Jerusalem, was to move the ark of God from Kiriath-Jearim to Jerusalem, Saul was unbothered about this throughout his reign. The ark had been there for about 40 years and symbolized Yahweh’s presence. Remember how he also killed the priests at Nob, unlike David, who spared Saul’s life twice, even when he had the opportunity to kill him because he recognized the anointing on him. Saul had no reverence for God nor for His presence. It looked strange, as Michal had never witnessed her father get excited or even danced at God’s presence.
Friends, what example are you giving your children?
Prayer points
1. Father, please forgive me in any way I have misled my children with my lifestyle, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, please, in Your mercy, encounter all confused and rebellious children, save them, teach them Your way and restore them, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. I am conscious that I lead more by example than by my command.
2. If I want my children to love God and His presence, love His word and prayer, love His people and His servants, I will have to show them by my lifestyle.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng