Text: Mark 1:35-37
Memory verse:
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalms‬ ‭46‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
Many people know the import of quiet time but the challenge most face is being consistent with it. Since quiet time is an appointment with God, He won’t miss it or be late for it (Gen 21:1).
Early African converts to Christianity were earnest and regular in their private devotions. Each one had a spot in the woods where he went regularly to pray. Over time, the path to those places become well worn due to constant usage. Thus, if one of the believers began to neglect prayer, others observed it quickly and they would courteously remind this weak one thus, “The grass grows on your path”.
Discipline is required to maintain a regular quiet time. There are 4Ps of the discipline of quiet time. The first P is Purpose. It’s easy to discipline yourself when you understand the purpose for a thing. Quiet time is a time to renew and maintain our connection with God. Your life and fruitfulness depend on that connection. So, the goal is not just to maintain a consistent quiet time. Our commitment to the quiet time shouldn’t be as a task, duty, ritual or routine but a desire to foster relationship with Jesus through fellowship (Mark 3:14; John 15:5; 1 Cor 1:9).
The second P is Place. Having discovered the purpose, it is important to determine the place of meeting so that both parties, that is, God and you will know. Even Judas knew where Jesus often went to pray (John 18:2). The discipline of quiet time requires sticking to the place, just like Jesus did here. It must be a quiet place without distractions, where you give God 100% attention. It shouldn’t be a place to exchange greetings. Television, telephones or any device capable of interrupting your communion must be turned off or set aside. Picking up calls, reading messages and chatting on phone during quiet time are gross acts of indiscipline. Quietness and privacy must be maintained. Discipline yourself to be still in His presence (Psa 46:10). The place should be comfortable but not a place that will tempt you to sleep back. For example, some people have found lying on the bed very tempting. So, sit on a chair or sit up on the bed. You may also kneel or walk around your room during the prayer time, if you are alone in the room. Use any method but be disciplined about it and give no place for the devil.
Friends, something becomes a habit if you do it consistently for some times. Grow your relationship with God by maintaining a consistent quiet time through self-discipline.

Prayer points
1. Father, let me never lose the purpose for my quiet time lest it become a duty, task and a ritual in Jesus name.
2. Father, help me to be still in Your presence, maintaining privacy with You during my quiet time in Jesus name.

Today’s declarations
1. Understanding the purpose for quiet time motivates me to discipline myself to be consistent with it.
2. I discipline myself to keep appointment to meet with God at an agreed place every morning.
