Text: 1 Kings 18:26-39
Memory verse:
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

I love this song by Darwin Hobbs, as it captures our thoughts for today.
“God is able to do
Just what he said he would do
He’s gonna fulfill every promise to you
Don’t give up on God
‘Cause He won’t give up on you
He’s able
He’s able (He’s able)
Thank you Jesus”
God, being the God of miracles means there is nothing He can’t do. None can claim this position. When Elijah had a contest with the four hundred prophets of Baal, Baal couldn’t stand by what he claimed to be. He wasn’t able to bring fire down upon the sacrifice. Then, when it was the turn of Elijah to call on his own God, he asked the people to do everything that would make it impossible for fire to consume the sacrifice. They did ‭‭(I Kings‬ ‭18‬:‭33‬-‭35‬).‬‬ Even these couldn’t in any way limit God. Rather, as Elijah called on the God of miracles, fire fell down on the sacrifice and completely leaked up the water in the trenches! (1 King 18:38).
Our God created all things, owns all things, controls all things, and He is before all things ( Col 1:16-17). This is one of the qualities that makes Him to be far superior to other beings.
God can’t be helpless or frustrated as to depend on man or beg man. He can’t run out of resources, be it human, material, or financial resources. He can’t be exhausted. He is able to meet His need from the least expected places or even from nothing. Never think that you are indispensable or that God will be short of resources outside you. God is able to raise up the most unsuitable and equip to make the most suitable (Matt 3:9; Rom 4:17; 14:4).
Also, when God gives you a promise, it’s as good as done, except when you violate the condition. Man, on the other hand, can fail. Man fails because he doesn’t have absolute control. Man is limited, vulnerable to change, and mortal. God lives eternally and has all that is required to perform His promise (Rom 4:21; Psa 60:11).
Interestingly, God is not limited by what you are able to ask or imagine. He is able to do much more. When we were searching for land for our ministry, I asked God for about five plots. But according to His grace, He gave us far more than our request. He surprised us by grace and keeps surprising us.
Friends, while I challenge you to ask for a miracle, I want you to be ready for God’s pleasant surprises. For He will do for you far more than you will ask, think or imagine. Amen!

Prayer points
1. Father, please, more than I can ask or imagine, pleasantly surprise me in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, please demonstrate Your more-than-enough ability in my situation now in Jesus’ name.

Today’s declarations
1. God will do more than I can ask, think, or imagine by the power that works in me.
2. I am fully persuaded that God is able to perform all that He has promised me.
