Text: Galatians 3:1-4
Memory verse:
”And take the helmet of salvation..;“
Ephesians 6:17 NKJV
Helmet is usually worn by people whose heads can be exposed to great danger because of the nature of their work.
in the ancient Roman military, the helmet was called ‘galea’. It had two purposes, including protection and identification. The helmets usually come with cheek guards and were thicker in places most likely to be hit.
In addition, helmets worn by warlords and officers had crests made of plumes of horse hair, which were usually dyed red. This made it easy to identify these men in the midst of a battle.
Likewise, in spiritual warfare, the biggest battle field is the mind. The enemy usually sends his missiles to the mind because he knows that once he can take hold of the mind, he has taken hold of one’s life. The mind is the seat of thoughts and reasoning. The way you think or reason will determine what you believe and eventually your destiny. The enemy wants to fill your mind with thoughts that exalt themselves above the word of God and then move you to doubt your salvation. When this happens, the believer moves from faith to the law, human efforts, or reasoning, according to our text. “You foolish Galatians! Who put a spell on you? …” (Gal 3:1). The Galatians were removing their helmets of salvation!
Putting on your helmet of salvation is a constant reminder that you didn’t earn your salvation and that it was purely by grace through faith. ”And take the helmet of salvation..;“
(Eph 6:17). The moment you begin to think otherwise, you begin to lose your confidence in the saving power of the Captain of your salvation and you start depending on your efforts, which will eventually make you to be vulnerable in the battle; for by strength, no man shall prevail (1 Sam 2:9).
Like the red colour on the helmets of officers and the jersey on sportsmen, the helmet of salvation on you also makes the enemy clearly identify you with the Lord of hosts. Like the seal of the Holy Spirit that was put on you when you got saved, the helmet of salvation protects you from the attacks of the enemy and identifies you with Jesus (Eph 1:13-14; Col 3:3).
Friends, you don’t put on the helmet of salvation to be saved, but you put it on because you are saved. Wearing your helmet of salvation helps you to walk in the confidence that you are saved and secured in Him.
Prayer points
1. Father, as I put on my helmet of salvation, protect me from every satanic attack in Jesus’ name.
2. I destroy every spell and bewitchment fired into my mind, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. The helmet of my salvation is my protection against satanic spells and bewitchment to corrupt my salvation.
2. With my helmet of salvation, the devil knows whose side I belong to, and I have victory over him.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng