Text: Psalms 139:7-12
Memory text
““Though they dig into hell, From there My hand shall take them; Though they climb up to heaven, From there I will bring them down;”
(Amos 9:2). Memory text:
Go To Hell is an agricultural tool that is used for plucking fruits that are beyond the reach of the hand. It is commonly believed that hell is high up from the earth. It means that no matter how high up the tree the fruit is, this tool will bring it down.
Likewise, the hand of the Almighty is so long that there is no height it can not reach to bring the proud down. ““Though they dig into hell, From there My hand shall take them; Though they climb up to heaven, From there I will bring them down;”
(Amos 9:2).
The proud and the wicked always boast in their false security. Some of them trust in their horses and chariots (Psa 20:7). Some also trust in the multitude of the armed men around them and some in their bullet-proof cars and houses.
I remember an average age man who was so confident of his protective charms that there was no one he could not threaten. Unfortunately, he died like a chicken, as he was attacked, massacred, and killed by a rival cult! What about the once powerful president who boasted of absolute power? One day, he slept and did not wake up. Many people believed that he was poisoned by his girlfriend. Remember that God didn’t even use any human agent to kill the 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. Rather, an angel visited them in the night and killed them (2 Kings 19:35). They slept in the night boasting of what they would do in the morning but they never woke up to carry out their threats. However, God killed the boastful and self-secured king, Sennacherib, by using his own sons (2 Kings 19:35-37). Whichever, God can use anything to achieve His purpose, even his enemies are at his disposal. Many times, God used Babylon and other enemy nations to punish and humiliate Israel.
According to our text, David knew that there was no place where a man could hide from the reach of God. Be it in hell, in heaven, in the sea, or in darkness, God’s hand will reach them. It is foolishness and vanity for anyone to hide and to boast in his security.
Friends, don’t be afraid nor be threatened by your adversaries. They may boast of their security and their impunity, but they are not beyond the long hand of God. Engage the long hand of God in prayer today.
Prayer points
1. Father, stretch out Your long hand and bring down the proud and the boastful, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, arise on my behalf and stretch out Your long hand against the enemies of my destiny, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. God’s hand does not only lift up the humble but also brings the proud and boastful down.
2. The long hand of God is in my favour but against the wicked to bring them down.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng