Text: 1 Samuel 2:1-10
Memory text:
ā€œYou have a mighty arm; Strong is Your hand, and high is Your right hand.ā€
ā€­ā€­Psalmsā€¬ ā€­89ā€¬:ā€­13ā€¬ ā€­NKJVā€¬ā€¬ā€¬ā€¬

There are different dimensions of Godā€™s hand, but all of these are traced to the power in the hand.
The hand of God is so long that there is nobody too low, that He canā€™t raise up (Psa 89:13). He can bring you from zero to make you a hero, from a nobody to become a somebody. He can turn the despised to the desired. He can give you a 180-degree turnaround, which you canā€™t explain how it happened. Nobody can doubt that kind of transformation. Who will doubt when a barren woman shares her testimony of how she has become a mother of seven? Who will not believe when a once sorrowful and despised woman becomes a song composer and minister? This was what Hannah experienced and shared in our text. ā€œHe raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap, To set them among princes And make them inherit the throne of glory. ā€œFor the pillars of the earth are the Lordā€™s, And He has set the world upon them.ā€ ā€­ā€­(I Samā€¬ ā€­2ā€¬:ā€­8).
Also, the long hand of God brought out the crippled Mephibosheth from a far land in Lo Debar to sit at the table with the king in Jerusalem (2 Sam 9:5, 7). Lo Debar was a place of no pasture, a dry place, and an undesirable place. The hand of God manifests in an unmerited favour. That hand moved him from obscurity to limelight, from shame to glory, from poverty and dryness to wealth and overflow!
As we are ending this year, get set to experience the mystery of Godā€™s hand. He will lift you to a level that all the testimonies of January to November will look like nothing with this new experience. No matter where you are now, that hand is able to pick you up from there and to locate you in a place, a job, a position, a meeting, a relationship, a city or a nation, that you will ask how you got there. You may be far away or below, but you are not beyond the reach of the long hand of God. This is the hand that lifted ordinary men and made them extraordinary; poverty-stricken people and made them wealthy; despised and irrelevant to become people of influence.
Friends, believe God and believe His word. He didnā€™t only lift men in the Bible days, but He is still raising men up and relocating them to their place of destiny. May the long hand of God raise you up and give you an unbelievable but undeniable testimony in Jesusā€™ name.

Prayer points
1. Father, let Your long hand raise me up to a place where my efforts and strength canā€™t take me in Jesusā€™ name.
2. Father, let Your long hand give me unbelievable but undeniable testimonies in Jesusā€™ name.

Todayā€™s declarations
1. The hand of God is long enough to reach me and to raise me up.
2. With the hand of God working for me, I can never be stagnantĀ orĀ backward.
