Text: Numbers 6:25-27
Memory text:
““So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them.””
Numbers 6:27 NKJV
In ancient times, a name represented the actual nature, essence or power of the person or god it designated. Thus, when the name is invoked, the nature and power of the person or god it designated is also invoked (Acts 19:13). The name of Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua, which is also the name of God. It is a shortened form of the name Yehoshua, which also means “the Lord is salvation”.
Sending someone out in the name of Jesus is to invoke divine authority and blessings on the person (Exo 34:5-7). The greatest gift my father gave me was when he mustered his last strength while on his death bed, to send me forth with the blessing of the God he had served all his days!
According to Luke 10:1-4, Jesus sent out the seventy to preach with nothing but with His name! By this, he placed divine authority, favour and blessing on them. He gave them what was greater than money and material blessings. When God sends a man out on an assignment, He places His name on him. When you have the name of Jesus, you don’t need any other thing. The seventy returned and without being asked, they testified of how demons were subject to them in His name (Luke 10:17). Later, the Lord Himself asked, “…When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?” So they said, “Nothing.”” (Luke 22:35). The NLT said, “…did you need anything?” The name of Jesus opens divine treasures for you and invokes on you the blessings that make you to lack nothing or to need anything! He sent them without anything but with everything! The name of Jesus was everything! Hallelujah!
According to our text, God told Moses the words to say in order to place His blessing on the people. In it, the LORD said, “If they pronounce my name as a blessing upon the people of Israel, I will bless them.” (Num 6:27 GNT). This shows the relationship between the blessing and His name. Whenever you pronounce or put the name of Yeshua on someone, you invoke divine blessings on the person.
Friends, the greatest gift you can give to someone is to send him or her forth in the name of the Lord.
Prayer points
1. Father, let the name of Yeshua always be on me everywhere I go to insure me against all forms of lack or need, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, please, put the name of Yeshua on me and send me forth with it into year 2025, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. I bid my loved ones farewell by putting the name of the Lord on them.
2. I believe that divine authority, favour and blessing are invoked whenever I am sent out in the name of the Lord.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng