Text: Matthew 1:19-23
Memory verse:
“And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.”
I Corinthians 15:45
Yes, Christmas is a time to remember the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ but we must not forget the purpose for His coming. “… and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”” (Matt 1:21). The primary reason for His coming is to deal with the root of sin and it’s consequences. Every man born of a woman has inherent sin, that is, sin is innate. The unregenerate man doesn’t have to do anything to become a sinner but he is a sinner by nature. This is likened to what the medical science calls a congenital disorder. It’s an inherited spiritual disease (Psa 51:5). The unregenerate man doesn’t sin to become a sinner but he sins because he is a sinner. But did God create that inherent disorder? No, this disorder in the first Adam began when he disobeyed God’s command in the garden of Eden. So the disorder continued with every man that proceeded from Adam’s race (Rom 3:23). This ‘congenital disorder’ brought death to the human race. “…even over those who did not sin in the same way that Adam did when he disobeyed God’s command. Adam was a figure of the one who was to come.” (Rom 5:14 GNT). So, coming in the likeness of Adam, Jesus, the second Adam obeyed God to undo what the first Adam did. He presents life in the place of death for all who will want to have a race switch! Now, we have a choice to continue with the race of death or to switch over to the race of life. Friends, you don’t have to be a sinner.! You don’t have to Inherit death when you can have life!
Prayer points
1. Father, as I celebrate Christmas, I also thank You for saving me from innate power of sin in Jesus name .
2. Father, please let Your grace that brings salvation appear to every sinner during this season in Jesus name.
Today’s declarations
1. Jesus came to destroy the nature of sin in me and to give me a new nature.
2. The unregenerate man doesn’t sin to become a sinner but he sins because he is a sinner.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng