Text: 2 Kings 6:1-7
Memory verse:
“Then one said, “Please consent to go with your servants.” And he answered, “I will go.”
II Kings 6:3 NKJV
It is deadly to embark on a life journey without inviting the Lord to go with you. The fact is that God won’t go to a place where He is not invited or where He is not wanted. Our God is not an intruder or an imposter. The Holy Spirit is the most gentle personality you can ever know. He is not forceful or intimidating. Even though He has the power to enter without your permission, yet He stays at the door to knock and waits for any willing person to open for Him (Rev 3:20).
In our text, the sons of the prophets, having discovered that their meeting place was getting too small, went to their leader to seek his support to go to river Jordan, to get some logs for the project. Thus, Elisha approved the project and their going. But one of them pleaded with his master to go along with them. “Please come with us,” someone suggested. “I will,” he said’ (2 Kings 6:3 NLT). He would have thought of the high risk of going without their master, even though he never anticipated any storm. What a wise servant! Now, when the storm came with the loss of their axe head, they could cry out to Elisha for help. Friends, Elisha represents God in this case. Don’t wait for the day of trouble before you bring Him into your life. If you don’t have Him in your life, who will you call on the day of trouble? Who will answer you? (Psa 50:15; 91:15). Does Jesus have a place in your family, business, work or studies? What about Moses? Yes, he was on a divine mission, yet he insisted that he wouldn’t go without God’s accompaniment. He wasn’t content to have only an angel go with them. He decided not to move an inch without God’s personal presence. “Then Moses said, “If you don’t personally go with us, don’t make us leave this place.” (Exo 33:15 NLT).
Who would the disciples have called on to, when the storm raged, if they hadn’t taken Jesus along with them in their boat? “So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind…” ( Mark 4:36 NLT).
Friends, don’t ever go an inch without the assurance of the Lord’s presence. With Him in your boat, the storm will not prevail over you. Amen!
Prayer points
1. Father, please, let me never go on any life journey without You personally going with me in Jesus name.
2. Father, please, show up for me at every raging storm in my life journeys and let them never prevail over me in Jesus name.
Today’s declarations
1. I will never go an inch in the journeys of life without the Lord’s assuring presence.
2. I don’t wait until I have a storm before I take Jesus along with me.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng