Text: Psalms 24: 7-10
Memory text:
“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.”
Colossians 1:16 NKJV
A name is not just a means of identifying a person, but it is also about what the name represents. For example, in the past and present political dispensations in Nigeria, the attention of the public got drawn to the incidences that led to the sudden uplifting of two political figures to the top position in the political space and how these relate to their names. Most people saw their rising as the fulfillment of the prophecies of their names. In other words, names are self- fulfilling prophecies.
What does the name of Jesus represent? It represents the eternal Creator. His existence began before any physical creation. That’s what David meant in Psalms 90:1-2. His pre-existence dates back to eternity. He existed as the Word, who was from the beginning, who is God, who created all things, in heaven, on earth, or underneath the earth. He created both the visible and invisible world, thrones or dominions, principalities, or powers, including Lucifer. He also holds all things in existence, and they were created for Him (Jon 1:1-2; Col 1:15/17). The supremacy of this name is incomparable!
Who will shut his door on his Creator? Who will resist Him? When the Word was crucified on the cross, the whole universe protested. The sky became dark for three hours, and earthquakes shook the earth (Matt 27:45; 51-53). Why will anything stand when the One who holds all things in existence is killed?
The psalmist saw into His supremacy as described in Psalms 24:7-8. It was a poetic illustration of the conversation of the Word and heavens gatekeepers. The Word knocked the door, with a command to open, “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in.” The gatekeeper replied, “Who is this King of glory?” Then, the answer was given, “The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.”
Friends, because of what the name of Jesus stands for, there is nothing that can resist it or will not submit to it, be it in heaven, on earth or underneath the earth; or principalities or powers. The possibilities in that name will also be available to those who believe in it and access it by faith.
Prayer points
1. I dethrone and cast down, every territorial authority working against the gospel in this community, in Jesus’ name.
2. Let every power in the heavenly, on the earth, or underneath the earth against me, go down for me now, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. The possibilities and wonders in the name of Jesus are accessible to me because I believe in it, and I access it by faith.
2. Whatever the name of Jesus represents answers for me as I invoke it in prayer.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng