Text: Genesis 14:18-20
Memory verse:
“And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” And he gave him a tithe of all.” Genesis 14:20
If you don’t understand the purpose of tithing, you may likely think that God is cruel and wants to reap where He hasn’t sown. No, God is not a beggar and has never depended on man. Rather, He demands that we give tithe as a response to His unquantifiable benefits in our lives. In our text today, the first thing that Melchizedek did when he met Abraham was to give him bread and wine. Bread and wine are the symbols of Jesus’ sacrifice for our salvation (Matt 26:28; John 6:36). The second thing, Melchizedek did was to bless Abraham. “And he blessed him and said: “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth;” (Gen 14:19). Blessing is part of salvation. Salvation gives you access to the covenant blessing. Having recognized His blessing in his life and for God delivering his enemies into his hand, Abraham then responded to this blessing by giving Melchizedek the tithe of all he brought from the slaughter. “…and he gave him a tithe of all” (Gen 14:20).
Likewise, God has blessed us with Abrahamic and all spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus (Gal 3:13 -14; Eph 1:3). Like Melchizedek, Jesus comes to us with blessings and not curses. He has blessed us with every blessing we will ever require in our lifetime in the unseen realms. So, tithing is an act of faith that brings the covenant blessing from the realms of the unseen to the realms of reality.
Friends, you have been richly blessed in Christ Jesus. Now, release your faith through faithful tithing to draw your blessing in Christ Jesus.
Prayer points
1. Father, I thank You for blessing me with all spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ and for giving me victory over all my enemies.
2. Father, let me begin to draw all my covenant blessing in Christ as I release my faith through tithing in Jesus name.
Today’s declarations
1. Tithing is my faith response to the blessing I have received in Christ.
2. I tithe all, not a part, to draw all my spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng